Monday, August 16, 2021

How they get a Ph.D. in acquired Ignorance

 Did you ever wonder how it is that the supposedly high educated Jewish lawyers, professors, journalists, so-called philosophers and the like, come out at times, and make presentations which are so unsound, they would embarrass a sixth grader?


If you ever encountered such a situation, and you wanted to know how exactly something like this can happen, you’ll be happy to know there is one in the making at this time; a condition you can study, and from which you may get answers to most, if not all of your questions.


That situation came in the form of an article written under the title: “How the International Order Discriminates Against Israel,” and the subtitle: “Seventy-three years after coming into existence, the world’s only Jewish state continues to fight for the legitimacy that has been bestowed unto every other nation upon its acquisition of sovereignty.” The article was authored by Jonathan Michanie, and published on August 14, 2021 in The National Interest.


Having noted that Jonathan (Yoni) Michanie is a PhD student, and that his interest is in the analysis of Middle Eastern affairs, you conclude that this is his field of study now, and that it will be his full-time profession when he graduates. Expecting that to do his PhD, he has at least one original idea he’ll be defending in the thesis that he’ll write for his degree, you envisage that you’ll get an inkling as to what the idea is about when you read his article. But guess what you’ll discover instead when you read Michanie’s article. You’ll discover that it is a compilation of the worn out and discarded talking points that were put out by Jewish Central over the years.


Because you cannot see even a single idea in Jonathan Michanie’s article that is not a parroting of the long-rejected Jewish talking points, you begin to formulate a thesis of your own as to why the Jews have been living and reliving the same state of misery for centuries. You reckon that the Jews never left the swamp in which they found themselves because the education they have been imposing on their young, is deliberately kept in a state of stagnation by the Jewish leaders whose interest is to maintain a status quo that serves them well. Worse, the status quo does that by keeping the Jewish rank-and-file in a permanent state of disadvantage.


The consequence of this approach to Jewish education, is that generation after generation of Jewish children grow up confused about what it is that constitutes the cause of an event, and what it is that constitutes its effect. You’ll detect this Jewish handicap when you remove the fluff from the first two paragraphs of the Michanie article, and parse his core argument. Here is what you’ll find:


“At the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies the question, who is the victim and who is the oppressor? This flawed analytical framework leaves little room for historical truths. It is this structural worldview that is driving anti-Semitism across the world. In a rules-based international order system, little evidence supports the claim that Israel has transformed into a Goliath. Seventy-three years after coming into existence, the world’s only Jewish state continues to fight for the legitimacy that has been bestowed unto every other nation upon its acquisition of sovereignty”.


When you follow the logic of that passage, you realize that the Jews have locked themselves in a kind of logical Catch-22 situation from which there is no escape. Here is how it works: The world has turned antisemitic because it mistakenly believes that Israel has become a Goliath. But Israel is not a real Goliath because, while it retains military superiority over its neighbors, it continues to fight for the legitimacy that is normally bestowed unto nations upon their acquisition of sovereignty.


What is Michanie saying here? Is he saying that the world has turned antisemitic because it believes that Israel is a Goliath even if it is only a militarily Goliath, whereas what really counts, is being an internationally recognized Goliath? If this is the case, why does Israel not get rid of the armament that makes it a military Goliath, thus acquire the legitimacy it seeks to be considered a regular Goliath? The answer to that question is obvious. If Israel disarms, it will be overrun by its neighbors. Whether this will annihilate it or simply turn it into a Palestinian nation with a Jewish-minority, it will no longer be the Israel that we know today.


The choice therefore is for Israel to remain militarily strong and be resented by the world, or become weak by its own doing, and be annihilated. In fact, this is the choice that the Jewish leaders have been presenting to the rank-and-file since the beginning while blocking the possibility that there may be a breakthrough that can free the Jews from this made-to-order Catch-22.


However, for that breakthrough to be discovered and be discussed openly, the youngsters doing their PhDs would have to think of new ways by which to rupture the intellectual rigidity that’s imposed on them by their elders, and develop an agility that will match the fast-moving times in which we live.


Young Jews doing their PhD must not be satisfied writing thesis after thesis in which they rehash the same old talking points, and go happy having been awarded a degree in acquired ignorance.