Tuesday, August 10, 2021

When good triumphs over bad, the bad goes ugly

Think about it and look around. What you’ll see is that in a zero-sum game, there is a winner and there is a loser. What the winner wins, the loser loses, but the story doesn’t necessarily end here.


You’ll know why when you apply that concept to the battle between good and bad — sometimes expressed as good and evil. It is that when the good wins, he has achieved his goal, thus rests his case. But when the bad wins, he immediately thinks of starting a new battle, intending to expand on his win. If, however, he loses the second round, he looks for suckers who will help him reverse the loss.


This has been the behavioral pattern of the Jewish syndicate that went on the conquest of America half a century ago. Whenever its leaders won a battle, they ran around looking for shameless ass-kissing members of the Congress who would translate the win into ironclad laws that will commit future generations of Americans to serve the needs of future generations of Israelis and future American Jews, as ordered by the laws they cannot understand, and would never have enacted.


But whenever the Jews lost a battle, their leaders ran around looking for a shameless ass-kissing lowlife of the John Bolton variety, and had him appointed to a high caliber position by a low caliber President, thus bestowing on him the power and prestige of the Republic; those mighty tools with which to twist arms, and have the Jewish loss rescinded, if not turned into a victory.


This is what’s happening yet again as you’ll see when you go over the piece that came under the title: “An open letter to the Board of Directors of Ben & Jerry’s,” written by Alan Baker, and published on August 8, 2021 in the online Jewish publication, Algemeiner. Note that in the cowardly Jewish tradition, Alan Baker went to the Board of Directors over the heads of Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield.


On the surface, this piece looks like just another work, written for the purpose of repeating the same old Jewish talking points. Well, yes, it is that … but there is also more that was added to it. You’ll discover what that is when you probe deep into the Alan Baker letter. In fact, it is where you’ll discover what the battle between good and evil is all about.


First of all, consider who the writer is. He is Alan Baker, the man who participated in the negotiation and drafting of the Oslo Accords with the Palestinians, as well as agreements and peace treaties with Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. He also served as legal adviser to Israel’s Foreign Ministry where he became its deputy director-general.


That should jog your memory to those moments when the Jews came out and roared from one side of the mouth that the Oslo Accords were defunct. The Jews did so while roaring from the other side of the mouth that the Palestinians are obligated to respect the provisions of the Oslo Accords. This, in itself was a bad thing to do because it proved that the Jews will negotiate to find out what you’re willing to give for what they propose to give in return.


What the Jews do next, however, is sabotage the negotiations, grab what you indicated you might give but without giving what they said they would in return. And because they would have preordained that there will never be a final agreement anyway, you’ll soon discover that they ate your lunch and ran away without giving anything in return.


Regardless as to how disgusting you consider this Jewish trait to be, you’ll find that it was surpassed by Alan Baker’s performance. Here is the smoking gun attesting to the man being pure evil. It is a passage from his open letter to Ben & Jerry’s Board of Directors:


“Your decision to end business in Occupied Palestinian Territory is based on what you perceive to be the notion that Israel’s presence in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem is one that a majority of the international community, including the United Nations, deems to be an illegal occupation. But this premise is patently inaccurate and misleading”.


So, this is the man who sat to negotiate the Oslo Accords according to which the occupation of Palestine should have ended almost two decades ago but did not because, while pretending to negotiate in good faith, Alan Baker was thinking that the premise of there being an occupation, was “patently inaccurate and misleading.” Can you think of something more evil than this?


Now that you know this much about the man, think of the ramifications that could ensue as a result of his handling other issues. He did, after all, participate in the negotiation and the drafting of agreements and peace treaties with Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. And he served as legal adviser and deputy director-general of Israel’s Foreign Ministry.


 And so, the questions to ask are these: Does Alan Baker secretly believe that the premise upon which those agreements and peace treaties were reached, is “patently inaccurate and misleading?” Are these documents null and void in his view? Will Israel treat them the way it has treated the Oslo Accords?


To those of us who heard about the battle between good and evil, but could not imagine what it was all about, we know now what it is, thanks to Jewish leaders of the Alan Baker variety. We have him to thank for the valuable lesson he gave us.


Half a century ago, the rabbis promised to educate us. Well, they can rest assured they have educated us as to how evil they have been and will remain to eternity.