Thursday, September 9, 2021

A Postmortem of yet another American Defeat

There was a time during the tenure of the madman in the White House that the forces of darkness in America organized themselves in such a way as to start a Judeo-Christian war against Islam. The ultimate aim was to bring about the predicted Armageddon and the Messiah who was expected to give the keys and ownership deeds of the planet to the Jews.


To that end, a House Representative declared himself an expert on the activities of the Muslims in America, and was appointed security czar. He went on a fishing expedition looking for clues he can use as excuse to crucify the Muslims in America, but found not a scintilla of evidence by which to condemn the community of being anything other than composed of loyal citizens.


Parallel to those events, the war that was escalating between the Jewish establishment and the foreign Muslim kids whom it was provoking for decades, had reached a high pitch, and the kids struck at the heart of Jewish power in New York City. This was the excuse that the Jews needed to drag America into the conflict that was raging between the Muslim kids outside of America and the Jewish establishment that was operating both in and out of America. The country had no choice but to hit those kids in Afghanistan, and so it did. But then, the Jews took command of the situation, unveiled their old plan to invade Iraq, and took America into that ill-fated adventure.


In Afghanistan, America caused severe damage to the kids that hit New York City. But instead of getting out of Afghanistan, it operated on the advice of the Jews. It kept an army of occupation in the country, and assembled another army with which it invaded Iraq as per the Jewish blueprint that was prepared a decade earlier. And this is where and when America’s fall into the Jewish sewer began in earnest.


Now, almost twenty years after the start of the Judeo-Christian war against Islam, America has raised the flag of surrender. The customary finger pointing has started except that nobody is pointing at the real culprits who are the highly-paid, know-nothing Jews that gave the bad advice and planned the wars that killed thousands on both sides, yet accomplished nothing more than transform America from superpower to super joke in the eyes of the world.


One of the articles that was written since the American surrender — doing a postmortem on the Jewish-led fiasco without mentioning the Jews — came under the title: “Afghanistan Was Lost Long Ago,” and the subtitle: “Defeat Wasn’t Inevitable, but Early Mistakes Made Success Unlikely.” It was penned by James Dobbin, and published on August 30, 2021 in Foreign Affairs. The following is a condensed version of how James Dobbin saw the situation:


“The administration of George W. Bush failed to grasp the full dimensions of the challenge it was taking on. The invasion of Afghanistan and the ousting of the Taliban went smoothly. In the flush of this initial success, Bush was led to believe that the follow-up nation-building could be easy. And then, of course, the Bush administration invaded Iraq, a country with even more hostile neighbors, and where Bush and his officials underestimated the effort they would be taking on. Violent resistance to the US invasion materialized faster in Iraq, and US forces were under severe pressure there by the time the Taliban reemerged as a serious threat in Afghanistan. This remained the case throughout Bush’s time in office, hamstringing the United States’ and allowing the Taliban to regain footholds there”.


Here, James Dobbin is showing how easy it is to con the American government, and coax it into making frivolous decisions concerning issues as grave as war and peace. You first have the ear of an insubstantial President and spew in it any instruction you want.


A second article on the subject came under the title: “Reflecting on 9/11: Taliban are stronger than they were in 2001,” written by Kay C. James, and published on September 7, 2021 in The Washington Times. The following is a condensed version of what Kay James said:


“Hundreds of thousands of our brothers and sisters risked their lives in our defense, and thousands paid the ultimate price for it. More than 3,600 soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines including nearly 2,500 Americans, were killed serving in Afghanistan. Our world today has grown no less dangerous. Indeed, the threats we face multiply by the year. On this 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, the Taliban will have more territorial control of Afghanistan than it did on September 11, 2001. The alienation of our allies couldn’t come at a worse time, as America also faces rising threats from an increasingly adversarial Chinese Communist Party, from Vladimir Putin’s Russia, and from a nuclear-armed Iran. At this moment in our nation’s history, we must resolve to stand unified against the forces that would seek to destroy us”.


Here, Kay James laments the reality that young men and woman are sent to fight and die by older men and women who do little or no fighting or dying. When all is said and done, the first live and die in misery; the second, live and die in luxury. She means to say this is so unfair, it must change.


A third article on the subject came under the title: “A Reckoning for US Foreign Policy Elites is Long Overdue,” written by Andrew Doran, and published on September 8, 2021 in The National Interest. The following is a condensed version of what Andrew Doran said:


Statesmen and generals might pay for disaster with exile or even execution; at a minimum, they were forced to leave office in disgrace. Modern warfare is often harsher for soldiers and civilians, but is somehow easier for elites. Foreign policy elites with careers unblemished by success live in comfort far from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen, and die in their beds while thousands of Marines and soldiers end up in humble graves. Thousands more live with physical and psychological wounds. It is long since time to hold the foreign policy elites and generals who failed America to account. The reckoning for US foreign policy elites—politicians, policymakers, generals, diplomats, think tanks that had access and influence—is long overdue. It’s time for a painstaking inquiry into what went wrong to ensure that it doesn’t happen again in the era of great power competition”.


Here, Andrew Doran says that in the old days, high ranking soldiers paid with their lives for their failures. He laments that this is no longer the case in modern times. He adds that foreign policy elites continue to live in comfort despite the horrors they cause by giving bad advice as they did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen. And then, these people die in their beds while thousands of Marines and soldiers end up in humble graves. He means to say this is so unfair, it must change.