Monday, September 20, 2021

Yes indeed, they are two rotten peas in a pod

What happens when the pod cracks open, the peas come out, and find a thick layer of soil that’s rich in moisture and nutritious fertilizer?


To find out, we study what the legacy of the two pioneers in Middle Eastern terrorism left behind that grew to become the quintessence of a modern terrorist entity disguised as a state.


Like two legs, the Irgun and Hagenah Jewish terror groups, grew to support the one and only terrorist entity that continues to plague the human race today: the one which calls itself Israel. In addition, the two legs have had sponsors equipped with human names and human faces. One is called Menachem Begin, the other Yitzhak Shamir.


Menachem Begin was the leader of the Irgun terror group that was itself a branch of the Hagenah organization. First, Menachem Begin specialized in terrorizing and assassinating the British UN appointed managers of Palestine. When he was done with that, he concentrated on conducting the mass extermination of unarmed and helpless farmers of Palestine whose lands and properties he stole and gave to Jewish settlers imported from Eastern Europe, and later imported from the rest of the world. Menachem Begin eventually became Prime Minister of terrorist Israel.


The other leg was Yitzhak Shamir who began his terrorist career by joining the Irgun group, but then split to go with the Lehi faction that gained notoriety for its extreme savagery. Shamir invented the process of dividing a terror group into cells, which proved to be an effective way to carry on with the business of terror while risking only the possible detection of one cell, and not the group or the entire organization. Yitzhak Shamir eventually became Prime Minister of terrorist Israel.


Why is it important for us to recall these historical events at this time? It is important because two Jews, Joseph I. Lieberman and Mark D. Wallace, looked in the mirror of time, saw how the Israeli entity came into being, and attributed the horrific ugliness that was revealed — to the people and states in the Middle East, they want America to kill so that Israel may collect the spoils. Liberman and Wallace put their thoughts in an article that came under the title: “Iran and the Taliban: Rotten peas in a pod,” published on September 19, 2021 in the New York Daily News.


Instead of interpreting what they see today in light of what began to unfold a century ago, the two writers transposed the horror that was generated by Jews, and documented by them as well as by others, unto Iran and Afghanistan to tarnish their characters, and make Israel look more legitimate than it ever was or can ever be.  And because they feared that this may not be enough to cause America to move militarily against Iran or Afghanistan, Lieberman and Wallace pulled out and played the demagogic card of scaremongering in the hope that this will nudge America. To that end, they started their article this way:


The similarities between the Taliban of Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran are striking and worth assessing before the US aids either in any way or makes agreements with either that will affect our national security”.


Without explaining how a reconciliation that may be forged between America and Iran, or America and Afghanistan, will negatively affect the security of the United States, Lieberman and Wallace unleashed a ferocious diatribe against the two Muslim nations. Reading the thing, you could tell that every adjective and every adverb they used to characterize Iran and Afghanistan were formulated in their heads not because they were thinking about the Muslim nations, but because they were thinking about the horrors that the Jewish Irgun and Hagenah committed in the past, and that Israel continues to commit today. But true to form, the shameless Jewish pundits attributed such characterizations to the Muslim nations.


For example, after falsely accusing Iran and Afghanistan of being radical terrorist regimes, built around an extreme interpretation of their religion, the two authors asked the question: How can the US have any confidence in agreements that have been made or are contemplated with either of these regimes? The writers wrote these words despite the fact that even after America reneged on the deal it had worked with Iran and four other powers, Iran continued to abide by the terms of the agreement in the hope that America will be so honorable as to return to the negotiating table, apologize for the mistake it made, and give assurance, that America will never again commit such a treacherous act. But America did nothing of the sort.


As to the nation “pursuing a system of governance that is built around an extreme interpretation of their religion,” these are words that apply to Israel more than anyone else. From the start, the idea of Israel’s founders had been to build a nation that will be Jewish and so maintained by any means, including the practice of crimes against humanity known as ethnic cleansing.


And when America tried to rectify the problem — it created when it moved its embassy to West Jerusalem — now announcing that it intends to establish a consulate in East Jerusalem, the government of Israel cried out: “Please don’t America. Don’t do it because this will cause the religious zealots to topple the government and bring back the ultra-fanatic who was kicked out not long ago”.


Nothing of the sort happened in Iran or Afghanistan to suggest that they are “pursuing a system of governance that is built around an extreme interpretation of their religion,” but Lieberman and Wallace could not resist attributing this Jewish trait to the Muslims.


The article of the Jewish pair, Joseph Lieberman and Mark Wallace goes on in such manner for several more paragraphs, and you get the idea.


Now guess what the two Jewish writers have recommended after they finished spewing their obligatory quota of lies and deceptive interpretations. You guessed it, they recommended that America use physical force against the Muslims.


These people truly are the perpetual self-destruction machine that’s made to order for America.