Friday, September 3, 2021

To imagine a false paradigm and make it real

If not already a common knowledge, a message that’s not refuted, is automatically deemed to be true, however far it may be from the truth.


Consequently, if an organization wants to turn an imagined paradigm into a real thing, it can do so by creating a series of false messages, ascertain that they will not be refuted, and congeal the paradigm by repeating the messages in a variety of forms over and over again.  


In fact, this is how the Jewish ownership of America, that began as a small lie and was dismissed, has eventually turned into the real thing in the eyes of trusting people throughout the world — many of whom had the power to move mountains even while under the influence of Jews.


Even though—in a world that has radically changed since that time—Jewish Central is having a difficult time building on a legacy of amazing successes, it continues to exert serious effort, trying to turn into a real paradigm, the old Jewish dream of using America as a tool to reshape the world, or use it as a weapon to destroy the world if and when it’ll come to that.


Studying the contemporary Jewish doings to that end, will give much insight to those who wish to understand what the Jews had been doing during the last half century in the machination that turned America from a superpower into a super-fool. It is one that spent trillions of dollars killing its sons and daughters so as to kill the sons and daughters of other people—those that became displaced, were turned into refugees and were sent to seek asylum in other countries and other continents.


Two pieces of writing shed much light on this part of the Judeo-American history. The first piece is a news item that came under the title: “Biden vows ‘diplomacy first’ with Iran over its nuclear program,” written by Samuel Chamberlain, and published on August 28, 2021 in The New York Post. The second piece of writing is a column written by Tom Rogan under the title: “What’s Israel’s plan B against Iran?” published on August 31, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


Here is how the news item of Samuel Chamberlain tells the story:


“President Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett that he was committed to diplomacy with Iran over its nuclear program — before teasing the use of ‘other options’ if that did not work. Since Donald Trump pulled the US out of the nuclear deal, Iran has abandoned every limitation the accord imposed on its nuclear enrichment. It also spins more advanced centrifuges and more of them than were allowed under the accord, worrying nuclear nonproliferation experts even though Iran insists its program is peaceful. Press Secretary Psaki cast blame on Trump, telling reporters that we’re in this situation because the prior administration pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal and prevented us from having the visibility we need into Iran’s capabilities”.


The most noteworthy part of that passage are these words: “before teasing the use of ‘other options’ if that did not work.” What’s this about? It’s about the most idiotic expression the Jews stuffed in the mouths of several American presidents, and had those unthinking dudes puke the words out as “all options are on the table.” It is that the presidential dudes were made to believe they sounded like chic sophisticates who spoke in subtleties, when in reality they sounded like mouth-farting fools passing the stinky Jewish wind.


All options are on the table meant that America was threatening Iran with nuclear war. To this, the people of Iran came out by the millions and responded as follows: “Bring them on because here is the place where they’ll meet Death to America.” And so, President Biden recognized the moronic dimension of that expression, and musingly repeated it in a different way, so as to acknowledge how unworthy and disgusting it would be to repeat it literally.


This being the existing paradigm as will be seen by a neutral observer — be that a contemporary journalist or a future student of history — look how Tom Rogan chose to spin the story, thus create a false paradigm in which Israel appears as the master that’s on top of things, having absolute control over the situation. To that end, Rogan wrote a column under the title: “What’s Israel’s plan B against Iran?” and had it published on August 31, 2021 in The Washington Examiner. Here is how he started his narrative:


“Israeli Defense Minister says that Israel is working with the US to develop a Plan B in the event that negotiations over Iran's nuclear program fail. What does this signify about Israel's assessment of the status quo? Speaking to reporters, the minister observed that intelligence cooperation with the US in this field is getting stronger. We are working with them in order to establish a Plan B and demonstrate that if there is no deal, other activities will begin. While the Israeli government disagrees with Biden's efforts to reconstruct the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, Bennett is lobbying Biden behind closed doors. Israel regards the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran as the precursor to a second Holocaust. It will thus do just about anything to prevent that outcome”.


This is the image, which is thus far a false paradigm, that Tom Rogan and those like him will repeat over and over till the story sticks in the minds of listeners as being a reality to the effect that Israel is conducting a dialogue with Iran, using America as the junior messenger that’s carrying the message of Jewish Central to the Iranian ayatollahs. In time, Tom Rogan et al hope that this false paradigm will congeal and become real in the minds of most people on Earth.


This shows how imperative it has become for America to create an information gathering unit that will monitor everything a Jew in America or Israel or anywhere in the world will utter to make it sound like Jewish Central is master whereas America is subordinate in matters that affect the American-Israeli relationship.


Whenever such an occurrence is detected, the American information gathering unit must come down like a truck full of manure on Jewish Central, and tell it to shut the fuck up.