Friday, September 24, 2021

An Army of good-for-nothing Ignoramuses, failing

 For nearly 20 years, the comical outfit that goes by the name, Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) has been receiving oodles of tax-free money from gullible American corporations who thought they were getting good advice in return.


Mind you, the corporations were not the direct recipients of the advice. Rather, the advice went to the government of the United States, supposedly to tell it how to think and act on matters that relate to the Arab and Muslim worlds.


Clifford D. May was the founder of FDD. He managed to assemble around himself an impressive army of ignoramuses whose advice has caused America to create a horror show after horror show stretching from Libya in North Africa to Afghanistan in Central Asia. Much of the advice that went to the US government was articulated publicly by Clifford May himself, and much of that was critiqued on the pages of this blog.


Clifford May’s latest addition to his compilation of horrifically destructive advice, came in the form of a column written under the title: “Time for US to unfriend Pakistan,” and the subtitle: “A reconsideration of the relationship is long overdue.” It was printed on September 22, 2021 in The Washington Times.


As implied in the title, Clifford May is now imploring the American government to cut its ties with yet another Muslim country. If you want to know his excuse for advising such a consequential step, you’ll not be surprised to learn that, true to Jewish tradition, Clifford May is blaming all that went wrong in Afghanistan, on those who just walked into the scene, instead of blaming himself, his sham outfit, its staff of ignoramuses, and the stream of bad advice that came out of his place for two long decades.


The following is how Clifford May has started his discussion, presented here in condensed form. It is the question that he posed, and to which he offered an answer. But as you’ll see, the answer is one that can only be characterized as a shameless lie of cosmic dimensions. Here it is:


“Who’s to blame for America’s humiliating surrender in Afghanistan? The buck stops on the desk behind which Joe Biden sits. But we would be remiss to ignore the contributions of others to this historic fiasco. Prominent among them: Pakistan’s leaders”.


Instead of taking the blame himself, apologizing to the American taxpayers for paying him and paying all the Jews like him who lived the high life advising America to kill and get killed while flushing 6 trillion dollars in the Jewish sewer — Clifford May has blamed Joe Biden who just walked into a scene that had been long-running without him being anywhere near it. Clifford May also blamed the leaders of Pakistan whose contribution to the Afghan struggle for independence, goes back to the Reagan administration when they teamed with the former American President to help expel the Soviets out of Afghanistan.


Clifford May went on to describe a situation in Pakistan that was extremely chaotic. The chaos was deliberately caused by the interference in the affairs of the country by actors that had come from several places around the globe, armed by America and instructed to disregard the welfare of Pakistan. Their singe-minded objective was to maintain the jihadis of Afghanistan in a perpetual state of war against the Soviet invaders, enemies of America.


Given that complexity and those difficulties, you wonder how Clifford May could have concluded that Pakistan’s leaders were to blame for what went on in Afghanistan when, in addition, so much was crumbling around them and yet, they managed to keep their country of Pakistan together. The following is a montage of how Clifford May went about describing Pakistan before and after the Reagan intervention in the Pakistan-Afghanistan theater of war, and the unmistakable state of chaos that existed at the time and has persisted till recently:


“President Muhamad Zia-ul-Haq was providing a haven for refugees from Afghanistan where Soviet forces were supporting a communist government at war with Muslim guerrillas. Washington and Islamabad favored the guerrillas. Over the five years that followed, President Zia would establish Sharia laws and courts, and appoint Islamists to senior posts. In 2009 terrorist attacks were carried out inside the country. One, attributed to the Pakistani Taliban, targeted the equivalent of the Pentagon. Armed with automatic weapons, grenades, and rocket launchers, the terrorists took hostages, killed a brigadier and a colonel. Powerful elements within Pakistan’s military and intelligence helped create the Afghan Taliban in the early 1990s and continued to fund and train its fighters even after the US intervention in 2001”.


Given that Clifford May is aware of all that, we can only conclude that his attempt to blame America’s defeat on President Joe Biden and the leaders of Pakistan, is nothing more than an elaborate stunt designed to confuse the public, and maintain the discord that exists between America and the rest of the world, especially between America and the Arabs and Muslims.


Clifford May’s motive is to make himself and those like him indispensable, and in constant demand. He wants to remain on his cushy job for as long as he lives, giving bad and confused advice while getting paid handsomely for the rubbish that he and his kinfolks produce.