Saturday, September 4, 2021

They try to wring the last drop of U.S. blood

Before you do anything, think deeply about the following sentence, what it says fundamentally, and what its implications might be: “There were 1.5 million Iraqi Christians and 600,000 Yazidis in Iraq 20 years ago. Today, there remains no more than 150,000 Christians and 400,000 Yazidis in the country”.


Does it not say to you that before twenty years ago, and going back thousands of years, life was idyllic and normal in Iraq? Does it not further say to you that something happened twenty years ago that brought a biblical size calamity to Iraq? Knowing that it was the invasion of Iraq by the Jewish planned and Jewish executed American invasion of that country twenty years ago that caused the calamity, would you not place the responsibility for the horrors that ensued squarely on the shoulder of the Jews?


Bucking this human logic, look now what the Jews want you to think instead: “The complete removal of American forces in the region runs the real risk of a complete takeover of the region at the hands of the Iranians and their proxies. If, God forbid, a takeover like that occurred, the last remnants of the historic Eastern Christians and Yazidis would surely be lost forever”.


That was an edited excerpt from a news item published in the Jewish News Syndicate on September 3, 2021 under the title: “Jewish, Christian groups urge Biden not to withdraw all US troops from Iraq.” What happened was that, true to form, a Jewish organization that goes by the name: “Simon Wiesenthal Center,” pounced on the opportunity created by two Iraqi minority groups writing an open letter to President Joe Biden — to bud in, unashamedly hijack the plea, and make this a Jewish cause.


Why is this despicable behavior important to the Jews? It is important because it’s the way for them to plan and execute the calamities that work for Israel and World Jewry, and be able to blame their cowardly act on others — often the victims themselves. In other words, to paraphrase an Egyptian proverb, they murder the innocent victims and cry the loudest at their funerals.


This is a behavior that the Jews practice as much when they deal with the domestic issues of the countries that took pity on them and gave them shelter following their Holocaust experience in Europe — as it is a habit they practice when they deal with the foreign issues. In America, for example, the Jews constantly pit Black citizens against White citizens with relentless attacks on Black Muslims such as Louis Farrakhan. Soon after they have done the deed, they work on forming interfaith and interracial groups that bring together Black Muslims and Jews to get to “know each other better,” or so they say.


As to the foreign issues, the Jews create calamities such as the invasion of Iraq. When victims are generated and they cry-out for relief, the Jews hijack the agony of these victims, and spin the stories pertaining to their ordeal in such a way as to make America respond in the ways that serve the interests of Israel.


With regard to the situation in Iraq, for example, Israel’s need is for American troops to be stationed in Iraq and/or Syria to act as a tripwire that will be activated should Israel be threatened. It is projected that if and when this happens, the American airborne “cavalry” will be mobilized immediately and sent to rescue Israel. It is for this reason that the Jewish leaders look for and hijack situations such as the one initiated by the Christians and Yazidis of Iraq.


While this is serving Israel, what does it do to America? We get a glimpse of that when we delve into a recent article that came under the title: “Our Defeat In Afghanistan Is Only The Beginning,” and the subtitle: “As the post-9/11 chapter closes, a new one begins, marked above all by the end of American deterrence and the eclipse of American power.” It was written by Daniel Davidson and published on September 2, 2021 in The Federalist.


A passage from that article, reproduced here in condensed form, reveals much of what can happen to a nation whose members have been trained by Jewish lawyers to fight each other with savage ferocity. This must be compared to the words of wisdom that were given as free advice to the Americans by their archenemy, Usama bin Laden. Unfortunately, the Americans turned against each other as taught by the Jews, instead of listening to Bin Laden … and the rest is history. Here is that passage:


“After 20 hard years, they won and we lost. Osama bin Laden predicted something like this would happen. He issued a Letter to the American people, in which he declared that the Americans would eventually leave in defeat: ‘If the Americans refuse to listen to our advice and the goodness, guidance and righteousness that we call them to, then be aware that you will lose this Crusade, fleeing to your home in disgrace. If the Americans do not respond, then their fate will be to deal with their military defeat, political breakup, ideological downfall, and economic bankruptcy.’ Bin Laden recognized the US invasion of Afghanistan for the strategic error it has proven to be. He credited the mujahadeen with the collapse of the communist superpower. It might take time, he thought, but the same would happen to the United States should it be foolish and arrogant enough to invade and occupy the country. And we were”.


Given that there is not a smidgeon of evidence to the effect that the Jewish mischief-making machine is running out of fuel, and that it is about to relent, America must protect itself by adopting the various methods of eternal vigilance.


The superpower must keep its eyes open on the activities which are played by the Fifth Columnists who will grab every opportunity and use it to drag America into situations that will inflate Israel by deflating America.