Monday, November 22, 2021

America must stop trying to divide and conquer

When you consider the high standing that America enjoyed at the end of World War II, as seen by the world and by its own people, you wonder what it is that brought it down this low this fast.


You look for answers on the world stage, and discover that what used to be a beloved America which sought to unify peoples under the umbrella of the United Nations it helped create, has become the dreaded America; now seen as the driver of wedges between nations, and the campaigner to undermine the United Nations.


You turn your attention to the American scene, and search for the influences that might have inspired that trend to develop at home before it was exported abroad. And sure enough, you find the clue that says America has deteriorated internally, why so and how the deterioration was exported abroad. What you find is that the number one obsession of the population has become the word “leverage”.


The principle of leverage being the use of a small power to achieve big results, you surmise that the culprit experimenting with leverage, must be a weak thing powered by an oversized appetite for garnering big things. And that’s when the answer hits you: It can only be the Jews. You dig into this matter, and the deeper you burrow, the more you are surprised by how much the Jews were able to achieve politically by pitting people against people, caucus against caucus, and party against party.


In fact, the paralysis that is seen in America at the level of governance, is entirely due to the fact that those on each side of the political spectrum use the leverage they have to crush the other, and in so doing gain more leverage and more power. But when this is done by one side, the other reciprocates, causing a stalemate to develop. The net result is that the business of America becomes paralyzed while that of Israel moves on to the fast track, and gets done in a hurry.


During the Cold War that lasted from the end of the Second World War to about 30 years ago, America enjoyed the support of its NATO allies. Together, they confronted the Soviet Union that had the Eastern Europeans allied with it in the Warsaw Pact. The competition between the two alliances was based on each side trying to convince the rest of the world they had the best governance and economic systems. America won the Cold War, became sole superpower for a while but then China rose to the status of superpower while Russia that used to be the old Soviet Union, was reborn as a military superpower. Other powers such as India, a European Union of some sort, and perhaps Indonesia, will form the multipolar world of the near future.


We’re not there yet, but it seems that America is already getting the kind of bad advice that caused it to behave in such manner as to provoke the first Cold War. It’s the war that brought the world to the edge of catastrophe several times in the past. This time, America has adopted the threatening posture that has caused China and Russia to get together and stand up to it.


Instead of seeing that it is doing the wrong thing and back off, America seems to listen to the advice that’s telling it to work on driving a wedge between Russia and China. Needless to say that the latter two will have an appropriate response should America adopt that kind of behavior. In fact, they let the world know what it is. You can read all about it in the news item that came under the title: “China and Russia vow not to let West divide them,” written by Joel Gehrke, and published on November 19, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


This is how Joel Gehrke started his article:


“Chinese and Russian nuclear-capable bombers conducted a joint patrol over the Sea of Japan in a military gesture that dramatized Russian President Vladimir Putin’s vow to remain unified with his communist neighbor”.


And the following is what Vladimir Putin has said to let the world know how serious he is about standing up to America:


“Some of our Western partners are openly trying to drive a wedge between Moscow and Beijing. We are well aware of this. Together, with our Chinese friends, we will continue responding to such attempts by expanding our political, economic, and other cooperation and coordinating steps in the world arena”.


And then, Gehrke drew attention to the fact that in a show of force, Russian and Chinese strategic bombers flew together close to Japan and South Korea during the same week that the two allies of America had a dispute serious enough to derail a trilateral meeting they were to have with America. The point being that the Russia-China alliance is solidifying while America’s is breaking up.


Joel Gehrke then topped it all off by quoting what a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman had said. Here is that quote:


“China and Russia are neighbors and true partners that can stand the test of anything. To develop a high-level strategic partnership of coordination is a long-term strategic choice made by both sides based on respective national realities. It is simply impossible to drive a wedge or sow discord between us”.


Looking at the way that these events have unfolded, you cannot escape the conclusion that America lives in a glass house, and being advised to throw stones at a house made of bricks and mortar.


Will America be so foolish as to listen to that advice, and sink deeper still into a swamp too infamous for any of the previous fallen empires to be buried there? Time will tell.