Thursday, November 25, 2021

The so-called cure that aggravates the disease

You don’t have to have several PhDs in subjects like philosophy, math and science under your belt to look at two sets of statistics, and know that they represent two similar graphs, thus conclude that there is a close correlation between them.


If during a pandemic, one graph is labelled: “number of people who used medicine,” and the other graph is labelled: “number of people cured of disease,” you have good news to report. That’s because, translated into plain English, the correlation means that the medicine is doing what it’s supposed to do, which is to cure the sick.


If now, the maker of graphs walks into the office, takes the existing ones off the table and replaces them with new graphs, you get worried. You ask: what’s this about? and he says: The new graphs are about the current pandemic; the other graphs were about something else. You protest: But in these graphs, the number of people who used the medicine goes up, while the number of people who got cured goes down. And the maker of graphs says: Precisely; this is an inverse correlation between the supposed cure, and the actual result. It means that the medicine is making people sicker instead of curing them.


Let’s be clear about this, you’ll have to be a criminally insane sadistic savage to go out of that office and shout at the top of your lungs that the medicine is good because it cures people. Well, my friend, you must be asking: What the hell is this? Is it some kind of weird analogy? I’ll tell you what it is. It’s about the Jewish leaders compiling two sets of statistics that show an inverse correlation between them. But like the criminally insane sadistic savage, they continue to promote what they say is a cure when in reality, it kills Jews. And they never for a moment think of ending the practice.


Here is what’s been happening: Time after time after time, the Jewish leaders bragged about the number of American states and foreign countries that passed anti-BDS laws. Time after time after time, they bragged about the American states and foreign nations that adopted the Jewish definition of antisemitism. And time after time after time, they bragged about the people that recanted what they had said previously when pressured to apologize by the Jews. And the list goes on, displaying a graph that goes up and up with the passage of time.


And while doing all that bragging, the Jews also used to blow their entrails out of their bellies hollering their pain because the statistics they compiled as well as those of the FBI, were showing that acts of antisemitism in America and everywhere in the world were going up and up with the passage of time.


Anyone that has or has not a PhD in philosophy or math or science, will know that in this case, the two graphs are going in the same direction, showing a direct correlation between them. It means that the more the Jews get what they want from the various governments, the more they are resented by their respective publics. This should be bad news for the Jews, because to be good news, the graphs would have to show an inverse correlation between them. And they are not.


This being the case, why is it that the Jewish leaders continue to pressure the State governments in America and around the world to do more of what makes the masses of people resent the Jews?


It could not be that the political leaders are unaware of the reality that what they do, is administer a supposed cure that intensifies the supposed sickness. Also, it could not be that the political leaders are unaware of the reality that the resentment of the masses is interpreted by the Jews to be a manifestation of antisemitism. And it could not be that the political leaders are unaware of the reality that the perception of antisemitism causes the Jews to demand that more measures be taken to favor them. And it could not be that the political leaders are unaware of the reality this is how the vicious spiral starts a downward trajectory to end in tragedy.


You can see an example of how this sickly scenario has been playing out, when you read the article that came under the title: “Tackling the Disease of Anti-Semitism,” written by Michael Curtis, and published on November 24, 2021 in The American Thinker.


Michael Curtis is reporting that the European Commission announced it was presenting a strategy on combatting antisemitism. It proposes measures centered on three factors: preventing antisemitism, protecting Jewish life and promoting education about the Holocaust.


What’s wrong with those Jews, who stand on the proverbial railway track, see the train come at them, and refuse to budge? Here is a passage in Michael Curtis’s article that hints at a possible answer:


“At the county’s Independence Day, the ruler of Belarus remarked that no one today would dare to raise a voice and deny the Holocaust, because the Jews have succeeded in making the whole world bow down to them. The entire world is afraid to say a single word out of place”.


Whether the Jewish leaders believe this is true or not, seeing heads of states so terrified of their power, must be generating adrenaline in their systems without which they cannot live, having become addicted to it. And this explains the following sentence in the Curtis article:


“The European Commission recommends commemorating the Holocaust publicly, including participation in the national parliaments, and increasing education about the Holocaust”.


That prompts this question: What’s wrong with the commissioners of Europe and others like them, who first recognize that the Jewish leaders are addicted to power and privilege, then treat their withdrawal symptoms by giving them more of what they crave?


Here is the short answer: The commissioners mistakenly believe this is the way to get those addicts out of Europe’s hair.