Friday, November 12, 2021

Behold the warmongers who are out in force

 Ask yourself this question: What will happen if America told the leaders of Taiwan, it will not fight China to protect Taiwan? If you are sane, the answer will be that Taiwan will seek to negotiate the reunification of the Chinese homeland’s two parts. After all, each of the Mainland and the Island have a charter which recognizes that the two parts form one and the same nation that will someday be united.


Now ask yourself this question: What will happen if America continues to assure Taiwan, it will protect it in the event that China tried to bring it into the fold by force? If you are sane, the answer will be that Taiwan will continue to hold out on reunification, knowing full well that this situation cannot go on forever, and that something will give, possibly causing a catastrophe that everyone will regret.


The alternative is that China will continue to build its military, and bring it to a level of readiness where the Americans will no longer have the stomach to bluff the Chinese into believing they will go to war (that might escalate to a nuclear exchange) just to maintain China in the current state of being a divided nation.


Now ask yourself this question: What might happen between now and the time that something will give, with the possibility of causing a catastrophic event? If you are sane, the answer is that there will continue to be an arms race between China and the United States, with some of the newly invented weapons ending in the hands of the Taiwanese military. After that, anything can happen, be it by the deliberate decision of someone or by accident.


Now ask yourself this question: Win or lose the war, is there any possibility that America will keep the two parts of China from being reunited? If you are sane, the answer will be that even if America wins the war, however devastating it might be, the only way that it will keep Taiwan from falling into the hands of the mainland’s leaders, is to occupy Taiwan permanently, thereby create a quagmire for itself that will make Vietnam look like a picnic; also deprive the Taiwanese people of the independence they always sought.


Given that by asking all those questions and answering them, you cover just about every conceivable situation that might arise in the unfolding of the China vs. America drama, you wonder what could a warmonger say to make a case for America to go between Taiwan and mainland China. You seek an answer by delving into the article that came under the title: “US sleepwalking in China’s shadow,” and the subtitle: “China’s military is undergoing major transformative growth, as the US prioritizes woke baloney.” It was written by Jed Babbin, and published on November 11, 2021 in The Washington Times.


Here, in condense form, is what Jed Babbin wrote as a preamble to making his case:


“President Joe Biden has said that America would defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack. His staff corrected him. Mr. Biden has changed our policy toward China and Taiwan. The evidence is in two parts. First, China is buying enough Iranian oil to keep the Iranian economy afloat. Yet Mr. Biden is taking no action to penalize China for buying Iran’s oil. To Mr. Biden, China and Iran are too fearsome to attempt any action that might inconvenience either. Second, China’s military is undergoing major transformative growth. It is being redesigned to prevent our forces from being able to intervene in any attack on Taiwan, Japan, India or Australia. China’s tests of hypersonic nuclear-capable missiles, is a Sputnik moment for us, but you’d never know that from the administration’s reactions”.


So, that’s how these people think. They believe that America is the center of the universe. Because it has decreed that Iran should not sell its oil to feed its people, everyone in the world must see to it that America’s will is fully implemented. China has violated that will when it bought Iran’s oil, says Babbin. Iran is also doing something that’s just as bad, he goes on to say. It is allowing its people to become highly-educated to the point where they are inventing the means to defend themselves should someone dare to attack them. And that’s a no, no, according to the Babbins of this world.


That, my friend, is what came in Jed Babbin’s preamble. Wait till you see what else he is saying. Well, let me tell you: Babbin invoked the memory of the “Sputnik Moment” when the Soviets surprised the world by putting into Earth orbit the first artificial satellite. How dare they do such a thing without first seeking and obtaining permission from America!?


Read what Jed Babbin is saying to convince those in charge that the way to handle China is to show it that America would risk a nuclear war to achieve no more than it did in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya or Afghanistan. Read the work produced by that kind of mentality, and be amazed. Here is a condensed version of Babbin’s article:


“There is no evidence of anything like a Sputnik-era effort in the 2022 Defense Authorization Act (DAA). It authorizes nearly $770 billion. That would be enough to catch up if it weren’t burdened with the cost of other items. We are sleepwalking while China and Russia are building new weapon systems. The Chinese have more ships than we do. They are planning warfare that includes information warfare to interfere with our government planning and our political will to deal with the threats we face. We need to craft intelligence and defense budgets to meet the threats China, Russia, Iran and North Korea pose. Mr. Biden and his team would have to understand that sleepwalking in our adversaries’ shadows is no way to defend our nation. In Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, serious people with deadly intent are making use of their own Sputnik moments. If only we were”.


Now ask yourself this question: Would Jed Babbin’s article have been written were it not for the fact that the two parts of China are not unifying peacefully because America is risking Armageddon to keep them apart?