Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Fifth Column out in the open

It is a good thing that the influence of America in the Middle East is diminishing because if it did not, everything American, including the latest editorial by the New York Times, would carry weight. That editorial has the title: “Making the Gaza Cease-Fire Last” and would be worth something when in reality it is worth no more than a toilet paper with something like 600 words scribbled on it. The editorial was published on August 7, 2014.

The moment that you get to the point in the editorial where you read: “Hamas knowingly targeted Israeli civilian centers in violation of any civilized standards and launched weapons from populated areas in what looks like a deliberate effort to draw Israeli fire on innocents,” the publication that had transformed in your eyes into a cheap rag, has transformed again, and has now become a used toilet paper. And there is nothing civilized you can bring to bear that would counter the extreme stink emanating from it.

And when you read a passage like this: “In a mockery of its claim to have a political arm independent of its armed wing, political officials of Hamas were crowing about its determination to regroup and attack again,” you wonder what these people have in their craniums. You ask yourself if they ever heard Netanyahu (the political operative) threaten that he will get the Israeli army to attack again if his conditions were not met. Was he making a mockery of the claim that Israel's political institutions were independent of its military? What do the editors think about that? Or do they think at all besides mouthing off the Jewish talking points?

And what about this passage: “the extremists among them will always find an audience if there is no responsible moderate leaders to point the way to a better future.” Were the editors of the New York Times talking about the Israelis? About both sides in the conflict? No. They were only talking about the Palestinians. Which is why you dismiss this whole exercise as just another case of verbal diarrhea. Pull up more of the toilet paper, and get busy cleaning up the mess that American journalism has been reduced to at the hands of the Jews. It stinks around here, man, it stinks.

Guess what these characters do next. They wish to say this is an important problem that begs a solution, which is what the Arabs have been saying all along. But instead of suggesting that the solution must address the root causes of the problem as do the Arabs, the editors of the Times say something weird … very weird. Look at that: “[This] conflict [can] no longer be endured, contained or managed.” They go on: “The Middle East is unsettled …the spread of Sunnis, the Sunni-Shiite rivalry and even the intra-Sunni divisions. Sunnis in Iraq are attacking Kurdish and Christian populations … There is extremism and instability everywhere in the region.”

So you exclaim: What!? And they tell you what: “that is why it is so important that indirect talks between Israelis and Palestinians in Cairo lay the groundwork for something bigger and more durable than one cease-fire.” Are these birdbrains suggesting that the Palestinian and Israeli negotiators in Cairo need to tackle problems elsewhere in the Middle East, and come up with a master solution? Not knowing what to do with this display of idiocy, you dismiss it as the wrong sheet of talking points going from one file into another by mistake.

But then you hit on another passage that forces you to throw your hands up in the air and wish you could walk away from this sickening mess. Look at that: “Certain conditions are clear. Rocket attacks into Israel by Hamas and other extremist groups must stop, along with other terrorist attacks. So does the smuggling of weapons into Gaza and the production of new supply of rockets.” But you don't walk away because, seeing that the situation has been turned upside-down by the upside-down brains of the birdbrains, you resolve to turn things right side up again. And so, you write this: Certain conditions are clear. Missile attacks into Gaza by the Israeli Terrorist Force (ITF) must stop. So does the supply of new arms to Israel by America and the other NATO countries.”

You don't stop here but go on to write: There will be demands that America maintain afloat the economy of the terrorist state of Israel, but with assurances that the Netanyahu will not divert money for civilian use into buying weapons. Otherwise there is little chance that Hamas would end the self-defense measures that have confined Israel to the category of pariah nation in the eyes of the world.

Of course, the Jewish lobby does not care much about that as long as it owns America, having operated in the underground as a Fifth Column for a while, but one that is now operating in the open, commanding an army of legislators who pledge allegiance to Israel, and pledge disgust at their own country day in and day out.