Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What goes around comes around

I don't know how old Ian Tuttle is but I bet he is not old enough to remember what happened in 1967. And the reason I am so confident is because if he did, he would have written his latest article which came under the title: “Another Blockade of the Port of Oakland” a little differently. The article also came under the subtitle: “Protesters block a ship that is partly owned by an Israeli company – to help end 'apartheid.'” It was published on August 19, 2014 in National Review Online.

Tuttle tells the story of a Bay area coalition of 70 American organizations that decided to make their feelings known with regard to the regime of occupation which is now ruling in Palestine – they boycotted a ship that is partially owned by Israeli interests. Normally, something like this would have sent federal and state politicians as well as characters of all sorts to hop like kangaroos in front of the television cameras, where they would have tried to outdo each other condemning in the strongest possible terms this act of naked antisemitism. But that did not happen this time.

Why not? It did not happen because people have had it up to here with Jewish moaning, and with the moaning of their echo repeating running dogs who have nothing better to do. “Enough,” said the good people of America because if this is antisemitism, you should give us and give the world more of it – it is not a bad thing, it is a salutary thing. So now, instead of moaning, the Jews and their mouthpieces have decided to use a different approach. You may call it the positively disinterested tack until someone finds a better name for it.

Here is how Tuttle expressed it at the end of his article: “The [ship] will eventually unload its cargo … protesters in Oakland will have little effect on it … As long as Oaklanders have something about which to protest, they will be perfectly content.” Did you notice something? He inadvertently drew a moral equivalence between protesting against Israel, and having “something about which to protest” in Oakland. This being a no, no, I wonder how hard the Jewish organizations will want to punish him for this Freudian slip.

Now, what about this 1967 business? Well, as it happens, even Ian Tuttle would know that before the new conservatives (neocons) turned coat and became conservative, they were rabid liberals of the most progressive kind – the Jewish brand. Having predicted, as disciples of Karl Marx the Jew, that America would be first to turn communist, and having lost when the Russian Bolsheviks turned their country communist, and America never did, the Jews decided to study law in America, to become labor lawyers and to command – as they did in may instances – the labor unions of America.

One of these unions was affiliated with the longshoremen of the port of New York. And what happened in 1967 was that Israel launched a Pearl Harbor style sneak attack on Egypt, an act that sparked the six year war which ended when the Egyptians crossed the Suez Canal and booted the Israelis out of the Sinai in 1973. That six year war was nickname War of Attrition, and while raging was inflicting a heavy toll on the Israeli forces on a daily basis.

Believing then as they do now, that only Israel “has the right to defend itself” and no one else, the Jewish lawyers of America determined that Egypt was acting aggressively in doing what was necessary to liberate the Sinai. And so they called on the longshoremen of New York to boycott an Egyptian ship that had docked there so as to express their feelings with regard to what Egypt was doing; and the unions responded affirmatively.

You see, my friend, the people of Oakland were not the first to employ this method; the progressive-cum-conservative Jewish lawyers were. And they set the example that has come to haunt them.

The lesson is that the people of Oakland did nothing that the Jews did not do before them. And because what goes around comes around, the Jews are now drinking from the cup of their own brew – some would say, from the cup of their own evil.