Sunday, August 10, 2014

History in the making, thy Name is Irony

James Kirchick has an August 8, 2014 article in National Review Online under the title: “Pity America's Friends,” and the subtitle: “People in the Middle East who put their trust in Barack Obama are suffering right now.” Well, to be honest, there may be some truth in this, but whereas Kirchick argues that these “friends of America” were abandoned by Obama to threats that came out of nowhere, the people of the Middle East know otherwise.

For one thing, it would surprise Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Yazidis, the Kurds and the Jordanians to know they are considered to be friends by those who run America today, whoever they may be. It would also surprise them to know that the threats they face emanate from a place other than the New-York/Tel-Aviv axis of terror. In their view, if Obama has failed somewhere, he failed to tame the monster that is the Jewish operated congress of America, the very source that is making life miserable for people in the Middle East if not the whole world, including America itself.

Whether or not America knew what it was doing at the time, the fact remains that it has been instrumental in helping establish the terrorist state of Israel in 1948; an entity that has continually brought biblical sorts of horror to the people of the region. After its establishment, Israel relied on such stalwarts as Joseph Stalin, Anthony Eden and Guy Mollet to keep it afloat while its agents worked their way by hook, by crook and by blackmail to take control of the American Congress, a flimsy institution that turned out to be not an assembly of legislators serving their people, but one of male and female bimbos who, for a promise to get elected, would hand over their children to any Jewish rapist that comes along, and give away their mothers for free to a Jewish bordello. Their self-esteem is equal to that of a sewer rat.

However implicit or explicit were the signals that the people of the Middle East picked up from Barack Obama, they were interpreted to mean he was promising to bring sanity to that cesspool of governing horrors, thus move America away from the path of the failed states. And this would have alleviated the pain of the Arabs and the Muslims; something they looked forward to with great anticipation. But a deep disappointment set in when year after year, Obama failed to deliver on what they thought was a promise they could rely on.

Meanwhile, the New-York/Tel-Aviv axis of terror got busy coordinating between the Jews stationed in the big centers of Europe and those living in North America – with the Jewish lobby in the United States and the media they control everywhere in the world. They coordinated to (1) keep Israel well armed, well financed and well protected diplomatically; (2) start hot regional wars in the Middle East, and fan their flames; (3) get America to bomb high value targets in the Arab and Muslim worlds, and (4) send in troops to foster the sectarian divisions so as to start racial and religious civil wars. They did all that to the detriment of America for the glory of Israel.

And this is why the irony is to see that characters such as James Kirchick would call Egypt and Saudi Arabia – among others – friends of America, when the Jewish hate machine spent more than half a century badmouthing anything and everything associated with these countries, be it closely or remotely. But in its wisdom, history has a way of ignoring those who try to shape it, and of marching instead to its own tune regardless of what the clowns try to do.

Well, each clown has his approach to doing things, and James Kirchick is no exception. His is to lament about Obama's failure to work exclusively for the glory of Israel the way that the congress of sewer rats does. The consequence is that we have a Jewish inspired author slamming the President for not being engaged enough in world affairs, and lamenting at the same time that he meddles too much in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And he goes on to accuse the President of adopting that posture to satisfy the desire of forging “accommodation with – or capitulation to – Iran”.

He explains: “Obama has a grand vision, a realignment of the alliance structures … he envisions a Middle East in which Iran 'operates in a responsible fashion' and where 'equilibrium' develops” between the various parties in the region. But Kirchick calls that a fool's errand.

This is one more proof that the only thing to satisfy these people will be an Armageddon that will turn the planet into a ball of fire – something that the human race does not deserve and does not want.