Monday, August 25, 2014

Renewed Sykes-Picot Fantasies

It has always been said that while the Jews have grandiose fantasies regarding what they wish to acquire, they show little imagination when it comes to getting there without tripping themselves. They have been trying for centuries to run the world in a manner they thought will prompt someone to hand it to them on a silver platter, but humanity has repeatedly mauled them for trying.

Yes, human beings have at times let the Jews go a long way towards implementing their goal before stopping them … and this is due to the fact that they are a tolerant lot. But as the Jews have discovered to their bitter chagrin, the humans may be tolerant to a point, but the point does not stretch to infinity. Human beings have limits they sometimes express with lots of warnings, and sometimes explosively without warning.

The truth is that grandiose fantasies develop in the imagination of the Jews like nowhere else because their religion is not only a religion but also their folklore. And that is based on a history, some of which has roots in reality, but most of which is mutilated to a point it cannot be matched with the record of proven facts. And what the Jews say about themselves leads them to believe they have it in their DNA to create a Jewish Empire that will equal the sum total of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Assyria, China, India, Greece, Rome, Britain, France, the Soviet Union and America.

And so, what their leaders do at this time is rummage through those histories to see how things were done then, and try to duplicate them now. Their current preoccupation being Israel, they find that the work of the French and the British a century ago suits their purposes just fine. And that would be the Sykes-Picot Agreement according to which the two colonial powers divided the Middle East and North Africa into the kind of jurisdictions that served their own purposes.

And this is what you see John R. Bolton, a prominent Jewish leader, do in his article: “Destroy the 'Islamic Sate,'” that was published in National Review Online on August 25, 2014, and will appear in the September 8 issue of the National Review magazine. Because Bolton is a lawyer by training, he does not show his hand as he lays out his case. Instead, he looks for false reasons on whose coattails he can hitch a ride from the periphery to the core of his argument. When he finds them, he inches his way to the center where he takes a bow, and then pushes on the table a small package inside of which his grandiose fantasy is described.

The first convenient coattail he finds is this: “The recent military successes of the Islamic State have created a strategic crisis for the United States.” And here is another one: “the air strikes provided the refugees breathing space [but] the Islamic State still has the initiative.” And here is how he comes close to the core of his main argument: “We must now decide on U.S. strategic objectives … This will require some unpleasant choices, as well as the recognition that many policy options are unavailable until Obama leaves office in 2017.”

Despite the fact that Obama still has two and a half years to go before leaving office, Bolton starts to plan for what America must do after he departs. Here is one of the suggestions: “America's basic objective is clear: We must seek to destroy the Islamic State.” Is this a novelty? Of course not. In fact, the people on whose behalf Bolton is writing, had planned the invasion of Iraq and its destruction in the 1990s, fully a decade before the evidence to do so was fabricated, and the actual deed was carried out.

Having decided on the destruction of the Islamic State, Bolton goes on to describe his plan to reconstitute the Middle East a la Sykes-Picot. You may call it Sykes-Picot 2 or Sykes-Picot-Bolton. This done, he comes to the central point of his argument: “Obviously, the central problem is Iran itself, America's main regional adversary.” He wants to see a regime change in there, and no nuclear deal. But how to achieve all that? Here is how: “concentrate on regime change in Iran by overtly and covertly supporting the opposition.” Here we go again.

Supporting the opposition is euphemism to mean fostering the existing ethnic and confessional divisions. This is what brought the Middle East to the point where it is now. It is also the reason why youngsters with Western passports go there to get trained and return to do to the West what it did to their ancestral homelands.

In Bolton's eyes, it's okay that America suffers as long as Israel gains. And if Obama does not understand this simple principle, we wait for him to go, and groom a sucker that will do what we tell him to do.