Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Need for a new word: Hystericalization

A few years ago the word canalization began to circulate in conversations related not to construction projects but to the attempts that were undertaken by lobbyists operating like agent provocateurs. Their task was to make people angry about the things they would normally be prone to get angry about, and then “canalize” this anger towards the things they would normally not be angry about.

For example, there was a time when acts of terrorism that were carried out against Egypt were not restricted to the Sinai Peninsula but were taking place on the mainland as well. The aim of the terrorists was to hurt the economy by scaring the tourists. These acts alerted the Jewish and Israeli agents to the fact that Egypt lived with vulnerability, and so they decided to exploit it by adding to the efforts of the terrorists. They did so by taking advantage of an event that was unfolding in North America and Europe at the time.

It is that the great debate on the two continents at the time pertained to the equality between men and women. This was the fertile soil upon which the Jewish and Israeli agents planted their diabolic plan, and nurtured it to fruition. The historical fact being that the ancients did not have the machinery we have today, they recycled the material at hand when and where they could rather than fabricate new material. One area where the practice prevailed abundantly was in the construction of temples dedicated to the pharaoh of the day.

The way this happened was that a new pharaoh would destroy the temple of the dead pharaoh that built it, and use the material to build a new temple. Alternatively, he would keep the temple standing, efface the markings of the dead pharaoh, and chisel his own markings on it. Well, this is what happened to the temple of Queen Hatshepsut by a successor that happened to be a male. And this is where the Jewish and Israeli agents saw an opportunity to canalize the hatred of potential tourists that might be inclined to visit to Egypt.

To that end, they spun stories and circulate them to the effect that the Egyptians have been “male chauvinist pigs” since ancient times which is why they effaced the queen's markings and replaced them with those of a male. The Jews and the Israelis managed by this method to canalize an existing hatred directed at contemporary chauvinists, and had it diverted toward ancient and contemporary Egyptians, an act that hurt the economy.

That was then and this is now where the same agents are playing a similar kind of game, but playing it with a deadlier intent. Unlike the word canalization which is in the dictionary, the word that applies to the new game does not yet exist. It is hystericalization, a word that can be defined as the effort to render hysterical a group of people or an entire society. You sense this effort when you follow the North American media that have dedicated themselves to making society respond – as if mentally unstable – to stimuli supplied audio-visually or in print form by those media.

The intent is to have ordinary and otherwise sane people jump to their feet on cue, and race to contact the policing authorities, a legislator or the “mainstream” media, and report that they saw an Arab or a Muslim who looked suspicious to them. In fact, Canada being the soft underbelly of America, the Jews and the Israelis tested their demonic game in this country a few years ago. It happened when one of the local networks was in Jewish hands before it was transferred to someone else.

What the network did was to find something, almost on a daily basis that should have made people jump as if in a panic. One day, it was a suspicious package they said was found by a subway station. Another day it was rumors they said they heard to the effect that a terrorist act was going to be pulled off in a public place ... and so on and so forth. To their chagrin, nobody panicked, but what made the network people stop playing the game was the fact that they made a big ignorant mistake that backfired the game on them.

That was the time when the West Nile virus had affected a number of people in the Canadian Province of Ontario. The television network put out scary stories about it, and always connected them to the notion that the Nile was the Nile of Egypt. The plan was to make people go hysterical upon hearing the word Egypt. This journalistic madness went on till someone discovered that the virus was brought to the State of New York by Jews who had gone to Uganda looking for ways to create discord among the nations of the Nile Basin so as to hurt Egypt and Sudan in the process. And from New York, the virus came to Canada.

Thus backfired, the network stopped the game. Now, a decade later, the Jewish and Israeli agents of malfeasance have revived the game in America to hystericalize the public there about the Arabs and the Muslims at will and on cue.