Sunday, October 4, 2015

He named his stinky Pie 'Bombshell'

Do you remember that guy, Elliott Abrams, the baker of shit pies? He is back. This time he baked a big one – a very big one – and he invited the editors of the New York Times as well as Dennis Ross to his table. And they came, they dug in that thing, and they stuffed themselves with it as if to follow the old advice: eat, drink and be merry for, there may not be a tomorrow. And that's why all of them are full of shit.

This time, Abrams chose a misnomer by which to call his creation, naming it “Abbas's 'bombshell'” when, in fact, neither Abbas nor his people nor the Palestinian media had anything to do with that word. It is something that came right out the Abrams imagination, perhaps to impress his readers or to impress the editors of the Weekly Standard who published the thing in their online magazine on September 30, 2015.

The Arabic words for “drop a bombshell,” which Abrams says came up in the Palestinian media, would have been “Isqaat qonbulah” but in all the Arabic media that I consulted, not once did I read those words. As to the editors of the New York Times who attended his shit party, they were careful not to attribute those words to the Palestinians. But because they did not tell who created them or used them, they left the impression it was the Palestinians who did. As to Dennis Ross, who normally oozes out a stink that makes any shit pie smell like a bouquet of roses, he came right out and said, “the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas declared that he would drop a bombshell in his speech.” As stinky as ever, this guy Dennis Ross.

Check things out for yourself. The piece that was written by the editors of the New York Times came under the title: “Mahmoud Abbas Gives Up on Peace” and was published on October 1, 2015. As to the article that was written by Dennis Ross, it came under the title: “Mahmoud Abbas's Bombshell Fizzles” and was published on October 3, 2015 also in the New York Times. Even though each handled the bombshell lie differently, they all followed the theme that Elliott Abrams put down. That is, they railed against the Palestinian President for not blessing, or at least welcoming, the Jewish rape of his motherland. This is Jewish through and through.

This is how Abrams formulated the theme: “The speech was mostly a rehash of tired complaints about Israel … Abbas continues to say that Israeli settlements in the West bank are swallowing it up, which is false: the settlements are growing in population but not territorially.” So he asks the question: What does it all mean? And he answers it this way: Most likely, not much. And that's the idea, Abbas accomplished not much.

So you ask: “From where did Abrams get that idea?” And he answers: “Nathan Thrall who is head of the International Crisis Group's Jerusalem office, told the New York Times that Abbas's line was old, old, old, old news … and definitely not a bombshell.” That's where it all started, my friend. It is where the shit came from. It is what Abrams stuffed in his pie. It is what the editors of the New York Times and Dennis Ross have been ruminating on. It is someone in occupied Jerusalem who said something that became dogma to them. It is not journalism or punditry; it is shit all around … Jewish shit.

To follow up on that, as would a mindless echo repeater, the editors of the New York Times blurted out: “It is hard to gauge what President Abbas's declaration amounts to.” But then, as if someone had poked them in the rib to nudge them out of their ape-like sleepwalking state, they added this comment: “Bombshell or not, it is not a speech to be lightly dismissed.”

Two days after the New York Times editorial, Dennis Ross added his two-cents worth to the ongoing one-sided stinky debate. It is clear from what he says that he is trying to build on what Abrams and the editors of the Times had established before him. Starting with the lie that Abbas said something he did not say, Ross goes on to ask dismissively: “These sound like strong words, but what do they actually mean?”

He explains why it would be difficult for the Palestinians to break free of the grip that is the Israeli occupation, then asks the question: “Did he [Abbas] mean that security cooperation would stop?” And he answers: “Don't count on it.” To explain all that, he absentmindedly does something that highlights the nobility of Abbas and the ignoble nature of the Jews. Nobody set out to gotcha him; he did it to himself – the eternal idiot that he is.

What he says is this: “With 70 percent of the Palestinian Authority's budget coming from the taxes that the Israelis collect, there will be no rush to end the economic protocol. (Every time Israel withholds  these funds, it creates a financial crisis in the territories.) And given that Mr. Abbas emphasizes his opposition to violence, he is unlikely to end security cooperation.” What Dennis Ross just said is that the Jews are by nature low life disgusting thieves, and that Mahmoud Abbas is forever the civilized gentleman that the Jews cannot imitate, let alone become. Talking about the truth coming out the mouth of babies – this one an intellectual baby.

All that reflects the true nature of the ongoing struggle in the Middle East. It is the battle of good versus evil. It is the people of Palestine who draw nobility from their Arab-Semitic roots. They are made to suffer on the cross of imposters pretending to be the inheritors of a nomadic clan of thieves who never had anything more than a handful of camels, asses and sheep ... and what they could steal from their neighbors.

And those imposters claim they met a God who gave them Palestine, the Middle East and the whole world. Which is why they want the Americans to die attempting to get them those things. So far, they have Elliott Abrams, Dennis Ross and the editors of the New York Times saying amen to that. And they wait for the Congress of America to fall in line.