Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wolves saving the Jews from themselves

You don't have to be a politician to commit a gaff. You can be a member of the Judeo-Israeli lobby and tell unconsciously what everyone knows is a truth that nobody has dared to mention consciously up to now.

Benny Avni is our gaff-maker today for, he let the cat out of the bag at a time that is without a doubt, marked by stress and anxiety for him and for all those who are like him. He wrote “Team Obama is throwing Israel to the Diplomatic Wolves,” an article that was published on October 4, 2015 in the New York Post.

You encounter the Avni gaff at the start of the article. Here it is: “President Obama's determination to turn America into just another one of the United Nations' 193 members sends a clear message to Israel: You're on you own.” In other words, this Jew has just admitted that whatever he and the others have been trying to make of America, they tried it to guard against Israel being “on its own.”

Thus, the truth that everyone knew but nobody dared mention, was that these people have always wanted to engineer America into something that will benefit Israel and only Israel. Despite all the pretenses that they were protecting America's interests or defending the democracies, they never had the interest of the American people at heart or that of humanity or that of anyone else. Their dream has always been to see an America that's operating exclusively in the service of Israel.

But to do what? Why is it that Israel cannot make it on its own without a superpower constantly keeping it on its feet? Actually, Avni answers those questions – but not without spinning the answers. Here is what he says, stripped of the spin: “President Abbas rallied the faithful by highlighting Israeli violations of religious rights in Jerusalem … Can America help? Only if we change diplomatic course.”

Do you see the significance of that, my friend? Benny Avni who speaks on behalf of the Judeo-Israeli lobby, is telling the crew of the massive ship-of-state that is America, it must change course and line itself with the one that's taken by the tiny Israeli raft. That's the little thing out there harassing and attacking everything and everyone that moves. If the history of the Jews since the beginning of time is any guide as to how the world will eventually react to this sort of aggression, America will have a full hand trying to rescue Israel and rescue the Jews who stand by it. This is why America must drop everything it does, says Avni, and make Israel its full-time preoccupation.

For now, the man sees a number of areas in which America is delinquent when it comes to fulfilling its devil-mandated obligations toward Israel. (1) “Washington has stopped pressing Abbas to deal with Israel.” (2) “America allows a UN gang-up on Israel.” (3) “America's sensibilities now increasingly resemble Turtle Bay's [UN's.]” (4) “Israel is [allowed to] drift away from the international community.” (5) During Netanyahu's speech at the UN, “a camera showed a US table manned only by lower-level officials.”

And despite the decade-long Jewish cry, both in Israel and in America, that the peace process was dead, and America was wasting time and energy pretending it could be revived, maintained alive and guided toward a successful conclusion, here is Avni echoing the new Jewish cry to the effect that John Kerry “omitted a long-standing call for a renewal of direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians.”

But why did Kerry change his position? And why did the Jews change their cry? They both changed because the Palestinians said enough was enough with this never-ending charade, and began the process of transferring to the world community the task of judging the ongoing crime against humanity committed by virtue of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Kerry could no longer stand seeing America used as excuse to maintain a horror that has lasted for generations. And the Jews changed their cry because their bluff was called, and they were shown to have been acting in bad faith all along.

Now that the original Quartet, in addition to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and the Arab league, were called upon to take charge of the process of adjudication, the peace which the Palestinians desperately need, and the Jews desperately dread – given that they live off the chaos they create everywhere – you see the Palestinians rejoice, and see the Jews bellyache their agony the way that Benny Avni is now doing.

Furthermore, now that the Jews have grown accustomed to their defeat regarding the nuclear deal with Iran, they began doing what they always do after such an event, they said to America gimme money, money, money, and make it sound like it's all for the cause of Israel's security by throwing in a few weapons which the Israelis wouldn't know what to do with since no army that can defeat them would want to break them or own them as a result.

And the world moves on while the Jews remain stuck in the hole they dug for themselves nearly four thousand years ago. Can the wolves now save them from themselves? It remains to be seen.