Sunday, October 25, 2015

Utterly autocratic, the Jews demand being loved

Douglas J. Feith – who is one of those calling themselves children of Holocaust survivors, and an architect of the criminal slander that Weapons of Mass Destruction existed in Iraq, as well as the crime against humanity of planning the invasion of that country for no reason – has a new imbecilic idea. He wants to shut people up, and make them love him and love all Jews … or America will spring into action.

That point must be understood while wrestling with the now established truism that what the Jews inflict on others using America's power and prestige, they turn around and inflict it on the American people sooner or later. You can see how Feith is inching towards that reality by reading the article he wrote under the title: “The Intifada Is Ideological Hatred of Israel in Word and Deed,” published on October 23, 2015 in National Review Online.

Let's be clear about one thing; Palestine is under military occupation and this makes all of it a war zone. The indigenous people who live there, and have been since the beginning of time, have nowhere else to go. Thus, like it or not, what happens to them – caused by whatever reason, under whatever condition – automatically makes of them victims of the occupation. Moreover, being a people under occupation, they have a wide range of leeway to do anything they can to make life difficult for the occupying force. And no matter what they do in this regard, they are freedom fighters and not outlaws or something worse.

If the government that sent the military expedition to occupy their land also sends civilians to live and work there – as did the government of Israel – that government has committed a crime against humanity. And the crime persists as long as the occupation is maintained. Any harm that comes to those civilians – caused by a friend or a foe – for whatever reason, under whatever condition, must be considered a deliberate act committed by a cowardly military that is hiding behind civilians in the hope of garnering international sympathy when those civilians get hurt. This is how the Israeli military must be viewed, defined and treated.

Now, to create noise around all that, and to make the unarmed Palestinian victims look like aggressors while making the fully armed Israeli soldiers and the Jewish civilians they hide behind look like victims, Douglas Feith and the Jewish propaganda machine put together a narrative that blames America for not depriving the Palestinians of their freedom of speech, and for not forcing them to love the Jews and welcome the Jews on their soil rather than fight them.

To explain this logic of the animal-like moron, Douglas Feith who is a member of the chorus that incessantly cries out “you can't equate, you can't equate,” now equates what is happening in Palestine with something that never happened to America and never will. He says this: “Imagine how the American public would react to a political group that incited supporters to knife people on the streets of New York, Cleveland, Denver, and Seattle.”

What? Is he saying that New York, Cleveland, Denver, and Seattle are occupied territories? … What? Is he saying that the occupied people of Palestine have political rights they don't know about? Light years away from understanding such concepts, Feith goes on to say this: “Equivocation by U.S. officials who, having completely lost their bearings, sound like apologists … Officials urged both sides to exercise restraint. US ambassador to the UN invoked the cycle of violence.” This is what makes the braying of a jackass, or the bark of a dog sound like a tenor of the opera.

Douglas Feith, and all those like him, would have liked to hear the U.S. officials command the people of Palestine to love their uninvited, fully armed Jewish neighbors, and treat them like honored guests … or else America will come after them.

While signaling his unhappiness that the Obama people have not said what he wishes they had said, Feith flashes his anger at the Palestinians for saying what he believes they said. Here is how he expresses all that: “anti-Israel preaching is prominent in Palestinian textbooks, newspapers, TV shows, and political speeches … Palestinians hear that they should aspire to do away with Israel as a colonial outpost.” Can you believe that someone – even if a victim – would be so insensitive as to advocate regime change in Israel?

There is worse. Because he is a Jew, he believes he has the right to be more Israeli than the Israeli leaders. And so, he rebukes those who have allowed (guess allowed what) allowed the Palestinians to speak their mind.

Here it is in black and white: “Israeli officials have matched American wrongheadedness. During the Oslo process, Shimon Peres belittled the criticism of Arafat, saying that what mattered were actions not words.”

And there is this: “Prime Minister Yizhak Rabin answered: What do you expect, we're not making peace with friends, but with enemies.” Can you believe that? Peres and Rabin are so wrongheaded; they come close to being as bad as America's officials. What's an authentic Jew like him to do now?

At a loss as to what else he can do to convince the Obama administration it must silence the Palestinians, he tries a new approach: “The conflict is not about statehood or settlements. It's about Arabs' convictions about injustice, and commitment to remedy the injustice … it's about ideas. So words matter a lot.”

In effect, Douglas Feith is telling Barack Obama to tell the Palestinians they ain't gettin' no justice … so shut up, sit quietly, love the Jews, honor them and accept anything they do to you and your family … or America will come and whip you all.