Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Better Ben Rhodes than Nathan Sharansky

Fred Fleitz is foaming at the mouth trying to tell the world that President Obama let Ben Rhodes run the foreign policy of the nation rather than adopt the George W. Bush model of letting Israel's Nathan Sharansky and the so-called children of Holocaust survivors, do the honor. To express his disappointment, Fleitz wrote: “The Sycophantic Political Operative Shaping Obama's Foreign Policy,” an article that was published on May 9, 2016 in National Review Online.

Fleitz can foam all he wants but he knows nothing of what he's talking about, and he convinces no one of what he's saying. After all, the world knows that Ben Rhodes did not recommend the destruction of Iraq or Syria, and neither was he responsible for the death of nearly a million people or the destitution of millions more. What Barack Obama may be guilty of, and what Ben Rhodes has embraced is the dullness of peaceful coexistence among nations. This is what exasperates bloodthirsty Fred Fleitz and all those like him. Let them suffer.

The Bush doctrine relied on old hands such as those that designed the invasion of Iraq a decade before it happened … and did it at a time when W. Bush was still experimenting with marijuana and other hallucinatory drugs. He grew up eventually, ran for election and won. The first big thing he did after inauguration is that he ran around the globe like a headless chicken, and tried to shove the Sharansky witches' brew they call democracy down the throats of the Arabs and the Chinese. Instead of accepting this evil baton and run with it – having succeeded Bush – Barack Obama did something infinitely more intelligent.

First, he surrounded himself with the people that knew how to hunt for and get Osama Bin Laden … and do the other things that decimated the leaderships of both al-Qaeda and ISIS. Second, he recognized that to prevent his foreign policy from being hijacked by those who take their orders from Sharansky's Likud Party, he needed a highly talented and very deft hand to liaise with the outside world so as to keep the American people informed of what he aimed to achieve, and keep the Likud people misinformed as to how well he was succeeding. Obama saw that Ben Rhodes was the talent that could fill the bill, and hired him for the position.

What then could Fleitz say that would diminish the accomplishments of Barack Obama, and denigrate the work of Ben Rhodes? Well, the first thing he did was conflate the informational loop which consists of the White House and the general public, with the loop that consists of the White House and the foreign policy elites such as Fleitz and the gang. Whereas the public wishes to know the intent of their leaders, the elites want to see the details so as to create the noise that will paralyze the ship of state and hand the helm to the Sharanskys and the Likudites of this world.

And so, he begins the presentation with this: “the Obama administration lied about the nuclear deal with Iran.” He then sets out to tell what he insists was the most important lie to come out the White House. Here it is: “The Obama administration claim[ed] that the nuclear deal came about in 2013 … even though the most meaningful part of the negotiations had begun in mid-2012.” Oh gosh, how deceitful!

Deceitful you say? Prove it. How did the masses react to the news that the negotiations with Iran started a year earlier than stated? Well, if that was not stated previously, it has now been so stated, and there is no negative reaction among the general public. The same cannot be said about the loop comprising Fleitz and the rest of the gang, however. These characters are foaming and fuming; and they are inciting the masses to rise and demand that heads roll. But no one is rising, and no one is drooling.

Having made the false claim that “the president has allowed his National Security Council (NSC) staff to run his foreign policy,” Fleitz shoots himself in the foot, telling of John Kerry's account of what really happened. It is that “intense U.S. diplomacy, including 69 trips across the Atlantic” undertaken by himself and by Hillary Clinton is what clinched the deal.

That was a revelation Fred Fleitz could not let stand, and so he dismissed it like this: “efforts by Kerry and Clinton to get a nuclear deal were irrelevant – a deal was always in the cards.” Now you know why people take 69 trips across the Atlantic; they do it to fool the public. Knowing this much is important to you, my friend, which is why you should thank Fred Fleitz for making it available to you and the rest of the public.

But that's no laughing matter when you consider what he and those like him are recommending to the current president and to the next. To Obama, they say this: “fire Rhodes and others in the NSC and hire competent advisers.” They mean hire people like those who engineered the Iraq invasion and the destruction of the Levant.

To the next president, they recommend this: “hire competent advisers and trust [them] to do their jobs.” They mean hire people like those who engineered the Iraq invasion and the destruction of the Levant.

These people never learn and never change but remain hopeless.