Thursday, May 26, 2016

He says douse the Fire pouring Fuel on it

Look what happened:

1. The late President Ronald Reagan worked hand in hand with Osama Bin Laden to create a force of Mujahedin driven by an extreme form of Islamic fanaticism. They were given the task of defeating the “godless” Soviet Union occupying Muslim Afghanistan at the time. Mission accomplished, the force called itself al-Qaeda, turned against the America that abandoned it, and executed the 9/11 tragedy.

2. The former President, George W. Bush listened without question to the advice of a bunch of Holocaust psychos, and attacked Iraq even though the psychos were known to be driven solely by the fanatic desire to get back at humanity for allowing the Holocaust to happen, an event they say was responsible for their relatives being gassed and incinerated.

3. The current President, Barack Obama bowed to French pressure inspired by Jewish fanaticism, and participated in the attack on Libya under the pretext of saving that country from itself … but failed to do so. In addition, the attack resulted in large chunks of the country being grabbed by the Islamic State known as (ISIL), an offshoot of Bin Laden's al-Qaeda.

Now this question: What does that say to anyone who has at least the IQ of a monkey? It says that whenever America listens to the fanatic voice of a Jew and does as he says, something extremely bad results. It is as if America's intervention were the fuel that's poured on a brush fire, turning the thing into a hellish inferno that ends up consuming the forest.

Those realities clarified, it may now take the IQ of a human being to reason that the way to manage the current fires is to keep America at bay. To extinguish them will take time and a great deal of coordinated effort among many players. To make sure that such thing never happens again, will require that everyone say to America it has a Jewish problem that needs fixing, and then suggest a way to do it.

We can identify the specifics of the Jewish problem in America by combing the article that came under the title: “Thanks to Obama, the terrorist cancer is growing,” written by Marc A. Thiessen and published on May 23, 2016 in the Washington Post. The first thing we notice about the Jewish method of advising how to solve a problem is that the Jews attack the person that's trying to do just that.

In fact, Marc Thiessen did that … he did even worse than that. Look at this passage: “White House noted that in Iraq 45 percent of the populated area previously controlled by ISIL, and 20 percent in Syria have been retaken … That's like a patient who ignored a cancer diagnosis, bragging that he reduced the tumor – glossing over the fact that he let it metastasize. Had he attacked the Islamic State early, he could have stopped it from spreading in the first place”.

Well, let me tell you something Marc. Before you write another thing, you'll need to get yourself a monkey that will teach you how to write a logical piece. Do you realize what you just did? You accused Obama of ignoring a problem in the same breath that you said 45 percent of the problem in Iraq and 20 percent of it in Syria were resolved. That's an intolerable contradiction. If you still can't see that, ask the monkey to explain it to you.

Moreover, you went on to lament that Obama could have done what George W. Bush did when told that the Bin Laden cancer can be stopped if America invaded Iraq. Well, W. did that at an earlier time, and look what the unintended consequences did to the Levant. In case you forgot my advice, Marc, you'll need that monkey to keep reminding you that madness is defined as doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

No wonder Thiessen has ended his presentation like this: “When it came to terrorist networks, the George W. Bush administration had a mantra: We're going to fight them over there so that we do not have to face them here at home. Obama abandoned that mantra. And now the danger is getting closer to home with each passing day.” And that, my friend, is a lie of biblical dimensions.

The truth is that 9/11 happened under George W. Bush, not Barack Obama. Later, many terror attacks were attempted under Obama but very few succeeded. Most were stopped before they could cause any harm. For Thiessen and those like him to start paving the way for the next president to revive the Bush approach and return America to a state of perpetual war is to engage in the criminal betrayal of their country. They do it by inciting others to do what they cannot do themselves.

Get a monkey to keep you under control, Marc. Or get rid of your fanaticism and you'll be cured automatically. If you do this, you'll be human again or at least able to act like one.