Sunday, May 22, 2016

Whitewashing an Ass caught with Pants down

When an individual, an institution or an establishment is caught with its pants down, you see the people connected to it scurry like chicken that had their heads cut-off, all trying to whitewash the ass or asses that became exposed for all to see.

Getting caught with their pants down is what happened to two Israeli individuals: Benjamin Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman; two institutions: the Israeli military and the Israeli intelligence apparatus; and the Tel-Aviv/New-York Jewish establishment of disinformation. And what you see scurry, trying to whitewash those asses, are the headless residents of the Jewish/New-York-Times chicken coop.

Their spokesman – or rather their keyboard banger – is Ronen Bergman who wrote: “Israel's Army Goes to War with Its Politicians,” an article that was published on May 21, 2016 in the New York Times. What happened is that a number of realities concerning the above mentioned players came to light, and this prompted the residents of the chicken coop to come out in force, and whitewash those who made an ass of themselves.

What leaked out for all to see were the following facts: (1) France and Egypt launched an initiative to help resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. (2) Netanyahu responded by appointing to the cabinet Avigdor Lieberman who wants to throw the Palestinians out to sea and into the desert. He also threatened to bomb the Aswan Dam if then President Mubarak of Egypt continued to refuse visiting Israel. (3) Fearing prosecution a la Nuremberg trials, Israeli generals started to realize that they and their society cannot keep behaving like Nazis and be excused just because Jews were gassed and cremated by the Nazis long ago, somewhere else.

So damaging were the declarations of Avigdor Lieberman in the eyes of the world that the first priority of the New York Times chicken coop was to lie about what he actually said. Thus, Bergman decided to misrepresent what happened in this file, but waited till the end to do so. In the meantime, however, he worked on setting the stage to paint a picture of the goings on in the Israeli establishment as being no worse than a normal feud inside a normal family that’s living a normal Jewish life – which means doing things opposite of the way it's done elsewhere.

So, he starts the article like this: “In most countries, the political class supervises the defense establishment and restrains its leaders … In Israel, the opposite is happening.” He goes from there to narrate the details of the story as it has unfolded around the various players … and then asks the question: “What caused the army and the intelligence agencies to become doves while the politicians have become hawks?” And he answers that it was the specter of a Nuremberg-style trial.

Throughout the narration, Bergman makes sure to thoroughly whitewash the military and the intelligence apparatus – after all, he firmly believes that Israel's existence depends on them … and them only. Since this necessitated that he should paint most political people, especially Netanyahu and Lieberman, as being the arch-villains of this saga, he does not hesitate to do just that. But there is a caveat.

Because the responsibility of the pronouncements and actions initiated by politicians, falls on the shoulders of the entire nation – even a simple entity like Israel – Bergman felt compelled to whitewash what Lieberman had said about the Palestinians and Egypt's Aswan Dam. And so, he came up with the following passage:

“What would the army and intelligence chiefs do if the new minister [Lieberman] issued instructions, as he has done in the past, that Israel assassinate Hamas leaders if they do not return the remains of fallen Israeli soldiers, or 'conquer Gaza' or 'bomb the Aswan Dam,' as he has said Israel would do if it ever faced war with Egypt”?

And that, my friend, is the sort of noise that the Tel-Aviv/New-York Jewish establishment of disinformation – led usually by the likes of Thomas L. Friedman of the New York Times – puts out to suppress the truth by smothering it with noisy garbage.

The fact remains that Avigdor Lieberman said he wants to UNCONDITIONALLY throw the Palestinians out to sea and into the desert. And he threatened to bomb the Aswan Dam if then President Mubarak of Egypt continued to refuse visiting Israel. That was the condition, not the possibility of facing a war with Egypt.