Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Roots of America's bipolar Culture

Those who suffer from a bipolar disorder are known to go from euphoria to depression and back for a reason … or no reason at all. Believe it or not, the disease can also infect more than just individuals. In fact, a healthy culture can be infected by the disorder and be as debilitated. As well, a new culture can spring out of nowhere and stand solely on its bipolar principles.

The American culture used to be optimistic and forward looking but caught the disease and began a downward spiral. It happened when the Jewish culture – that started life as a bipolar entity and so remains to this day – infected the American culture in the way that a virus infects a healthy body and sickens it. This event resulted in America going on a nosedive, leaving observers with no way to predict how far it will go before something serious happens.

What is known is that the immediate consequence of a culture turning bipolar is that it becomes polarized. That is, the people and the institutions split into two extreme camps – call them a Left and a Right – leaving the moderate middle almost depopulated. When this happens, as the example of the American Congress demonstrates, virtually nothing of the nation's business gets done, and the nation itself begins to sink.

It must be said that a jurisdiction as big as the United States exhibits a more complex pattern than just going from one extreme to the other. That's because the Left can have its own cycle of euphoria and depression; and the Right can have its own cycle of euphoria and depression. Sometimes the two cycles coincide, sometimes they oppose each other diametrically, but most of the time, each side goes its merry way regardless of what the other is doing. This creates a blend of moods that end-up confusing most observers. Thus, someone looking at the scene from afar may not detect the bipolar disorder as would an observer that's near the action, for example.

The nature of the Jewish disorder that's at the root of all this is in full display in an editorial that came under the title: “Cash and Kerry” and the subtitle: “The Secretary of state acts as treasury secretary for the Iranians.” It was published on May 16, 2016 in the New York Daily News.

Behold the euphoria with which the editors begin their presentation: “It is simply delightful to hear Iran complain...” This is how the Jewish leaders expect their supporters to react, and how they wish the American people would react. But they will not verify to see if that's the case because they don't want to be shocked by the reality that most Americans don't know what the stakes are, and could not care less.

As to the Jewish editors of the New York Daily News, they will continue to savor the sweetness of knowing that “Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif professes to be disappointed.” Why? Because the sanctions “crippled the country's economy,” they say, and there seems to be no relief in sight for the Iranians. The disappointment of others being the measuring stick by which the Jews determine how happy they can be, Zarif told them they can be very happy, and so they were. The situation called for a celebratory editorial, and they delivered.

Afflicted by the bipolar culture that's weighing on them; the editors could not be satisfied with only the windfall that came down like manna from the sky. They did what Jews always do, which is to add icing on the cake. That is, they speculated on something that must have tasted like sweet desert to them. Here it is: “Iran seems to have expected hand-over-fist commerce,” and did not get it. To inflate this claim even more, the editors exaggerated something they did not bother substantiating: “banks and businesses see downsides to opening up shop in Tehran.” What's the evidence? How serious is the situation? No explanation there.

While they are at it, the editors of the Daily News activate another feature of the Jewish bipolar state. They go full throttle into the speculative mode. The following is a montage of that:

“What self-respecting U.S. corporation would want to sully its good name by trading with [Iran] … FATF continues to, in effect, give Iran pariah status … The FATF remains concerned about Iran's failure to address the risk of terrorist financing … banks that have been hit with large fines in the past are wary of getting ensnared in prosecutions”.

And they adhere to the very Jewish thing they must do at the end of every encounter. They knife their benefactor in the back to say thank you and goodbye. Here is how they did it this time to America's man, John Kerry: “So, Kerry has become a pitchman who looks both absurd and desperate”. What can be more Jewish than that?

Even a hyena would not have bitten the hand that feeds it as hard as this.