Saturday, May 21, 2016

Grinding an already mutilated History

The one thing you can be certain of when it comes to interacting with Jews, is that if you give them a finger they'll go beyond the known saying, and will demand more than just the arm.

They'll want the whole body and then some. After that, they'll want still more … and then more and more to infinity unless they are made to visit the proverbial gas chamber before they get there. And that's an occurrence that happened to them again and again ever since they appeared on the scene.

So then, what do you expect they'll do if you allow them to mutilate history? They'll want to do more than just mutilate; they'll want to grind it, puree, liquify and evaporate it. In fact, this is what Lee Smith has started doing with the history of the Levant. You can see it in the article he wrote under the title: “Zone Defense” and the subtitle: “Sykes-Picot at 100,” published on May 19, 2016 in the Weekly Standard.

It becomes apparent at the end of the article what he intends to accomplish with this project. He wants to show that the Jews have the right to rob the Palestinians of their Palestine. And he wants to establish that Jewish America has the right to make decisions for the Levant. To get there, however, he needs to get past mutilating history. For now, he gets down to the business of grinding it.

Smith tries that but because he is fixated on the ultimate goal, he makes early mistakes that end up demolishing his project. Speaking of the effect that the Sykes-Picot agreement had on the Levant, he makes a first mistake saying this: “Lebanon would go to France; Mesopotamia would fall under British supervision; and Palestine would be under international administration.” Bingo. The man just admitted there was a Palestine long before the Jews paid the likes of Newt Gingrich to deny it ever existed or that the Palestinian people did.

Here is his second mistake: “Now, according to a diverse body of opinion, from the leader of the Islamic State to the Israeli defense ministry, Sykes-Picot has finally fallen apart.” Bingo number two. The man just admitted that beside organizing and training terrorist groups, Israel makes common cause with those that spring up on their own and model themselves after it, the mother of all terrorist entities.

And now the third mistake. In his attempt to show that it's okay for the Jews to rob the Palestinians of their Palestine, he says this: “All borders are artificial … The borders within the area that Sykes-Picot dealt with were agreed upon by Paris and London … the Ottoman Empire lost; the French and the British divided parts of its holdings in keeping with how empires have [operated] throughout the ages … The imperial tradition dates back millennia.” Bingo number three. The man just admitted that the Zionist project is the revival of a primitive imperialist construct; one that was dismantled by modernity.

In an effort to show that it is acceptable to beak-up the Arab countries, Smith attributes Arab cohesion to a nationalism that proved to be “fanciful by the sectarian and ethnic onslaught underway in Iraq and Syria.” He then quickly backpedals to hedge his bet saying this: “If there is a thing as the Arab nation; it is a nation at war with itself.” Well yes, what's happening in Iraq is called a civil war. What's happening in Syria, however, is more of an interference from abroad (including from Iraq) than it is a civil war.

The truth is that the Arab countries of the Levant have lived an exemplary life after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. Theirs was a place where the sects, ethnicities and tribes lived in harmony for a long time. Later, the savage destruction of Iraq by Jewish America created the idea that Iraq was inevitably going to be split. This inspired the young hotheads on both sides of the divide to fight each other and lay claim on what's left of the country as much as they can.

In addition, a handful of thugs with whom Israel saw fit to make common cause – as shown earlier – turned against the Christians and the other minorities. Other than that, the rest of the Arab world, warts and all, does no better and no worse than anyone else on the Planet. And all those, like Lee Smith, who keep spinning the events and doing wishful thinking with regard to the future of the Arab World, will be disappointed when the future will come because nobody can predict how history will unfold.

To drag mainstream America into the mix, and place Jewish-America at the controls of the foreign policy vehicle that deals with the Middle East, Lee Smith invents a canard about America, and falsely attributes the invention to the Arabs. He says this: “according to the Arab nationalist reading, the United States was the great colonial power … Actually, that wasn't far from the truth. The reality is that the Europeans were irrelevant … The peace that the region enjoyed was thanks to postwar American power.” No, that is not Arab nationalist reading; it is newly minted Jewish fantasy.

Smith goes on to trivialize the depth of the Arab-Israeli conflict and takes this discussion off the table. He replaces it with one about Obama's rapprochement with Iran. He says that the White House wants out of the region … but this is bad policy, he warns. It is bad, he explains, because America will not be there to ensure stability and protection of American interests. And that – with an exception – is what he was after all along.

The exceptional problem is that he made three early mistakes which say, in effect, nothing on his mind is meant to protect American interests. In fact, what he cares about has everything to do with protecting only Israeli interests. That's why he could not identify a single American interest in his closing statement. And this is why he ends the article on a melodramatic note he plucks from thin air. Here it is: “The region will pay the price, as will the rest of the world, including America.” No, this prediction does not make a prophet out of him.

The reality is that America will be better off with the Israeli monkey off its shoulder, and the Israeli albatross off its neck. You don't need a prophet to tell you this; it's that a parasite is never a good thing to live with.