Monday, September 25, 2017

Admit you're tainted and stay out, America

Michael Dempsey wrote an article about the future of Iraq, now that the Islamic State (ISIS) is on the verge of defeat. The article came under the title: “After Islamic State, Is There Still an Iraq?” and the subtitle: “Reconciliation is possible, but the country will have to overcome at least five major challenges.” It was published on September 21, 2017 in the Wall Street Journal.

This is a genuine article written by a truthful man who wants to see workable solutions applied to the multiple problems afflicting Iraq since America invaded that country and destroyed it under false Jewish pretenses fourteen years ago. The trouble is that Michael Dempsey seems unaware of the reality that the foreign policy apparatus of America is not made of people like himself. Or maybe he chooses not to know that no matter how America begins tackling a Middle Eastern issue, the effort will be taken over by the Jewish crime syndicate that's run from the boiler room of Israel's Likud party, and turned into a horror show.

When this happens – and it will as surely as night follows day – the form and the substance of America's effort will diverge, creating a mess like the one you see in the American Congress. That is, the facade and the rhetoric of the effort will look and sound like a well managed functioning democracy is in charge of the operation; but the substance of the effort will be geared to serving the wrong interests. This will happen because the pretense will be that the effort is geared, first and foremost, to serving the interests of Iraq, and secondarily to serving the interests of America in the region; but the reality will be that the effort will be serving Israel and only Israel.

Nothing that is good will come out of this arrangement because for every inch that Israel will gain, Iraq will lose ten, and America a hundred. You can see how a Jewish takeover of the American effort will make this happen when you study the five unresolved issues that Dempsey says Iraq must resolve to get back to normal. Of those five, the first two are of utmost importance because they will determine if anything will be done to prevent turning the good-faith American operation into a demonic Jewish scheme. Here are the two crucial issues:

The first is that of Kurdish independence. There is now a movement to make this happen, and it is opposed by everyone, including the United States, but not Israel or America's Jews. And so, you can safely predict that the American effort in Iraq, after coming under Jewish control, will render lip service to the unity of Iraq while at the same time undermining it by taking the measures that will fracture the country. And of course, there will be the avalanche of false excuses justifying such measures.

The second issue is that of the de-Baathification of Iraq's institutions. It must be said that this subject is important to Jews in Israel and America as any religious dogma they happen to believe in. That's because the Baath Party, which took roots in both Iraq and Syria, aims to bring about a renaissance in the Arab World by promoting science and technology. Iraq's contribution in this vein was the building of the civilian nuclear station that Israel bombed not because it was a military threat to Israel but because it was a cultural threat to the Stone Age beliefs and practices that Rabbinical Judaism relies on to control Jewish life as it has for eight centuries now.

For these reasons, the Jews of the world made it their policy to sabotage all advancements made by the Arabs, whatever the cost. To this end, they had one of their own steal the American secrets that helped Israel bomb the Iraqi station. Later, they fabricated false evidence about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, thus convinced America to go destroy Iraq. Ultimately, the Jews convinced the unthinking George W. Bush that Iraq must be de-Baathified the way that Germany was de-Nazified at the end of World War II, and this opened the door for the creation of the Islamic State, and the horror show that followed in the Levant.

With all this at stake, you can imagine what an American effort that's taken over and run by Jews will do to the idea of America trying to work in good-faith at helping Iraq get back on its feet. It will be like appointing a pedophile to run a kindergarten.

In short, what you'll have is not an arithmetic zero-sum game where the gains and losses are measured in the one-to-one ratio, but a logarithmic zero-sum game where the meager gains made by Israel will generate big political losses in Iraq, and bigger losses for America's stature and respect in the world.

This is why it will be a good idea for America to admit that its foreign policy apparatus is tainted by the presence of too many Jews in it, and stay out of Middle Eastern affairs till it has cleansed itself.