Saturday, September 30, 2017

Baum: we're all Jewish except the Palestinians

When you say something poignant but omit mentioning a crucial part of the situation you're describing––be that deliberately or inadvertently––it means that the gravity of what you're talking about has escaped you. This applies to Devorah Baum who wrote: “We Are All Jew-ish Now,” an article that was published on September 29, 2017 in the New York Times.

What is poignant about the subject she discusses is that she casually, effectively and even humorously demolishes the galaxy of falsehoods, outright lies, noise, misinformation and disinformation that the formidable Jewish propaganda machine has been putting out for decades concerning the ownership of Palestine. Baum succeeded in doing all of that, intending to do something else. This is why she forgot to even mention the legitimate claim that Palestinians have on Palestine.

That whole chain of events happened because the Jewish propaganda machine succeeded to impress upon the born-to-be-ignorant political class of America that the moral thing for the superpower to do was to commit suicide defending the right of fake Jews from around the world to claim ownership of Palestine on the grounds that their right supersedes the right of the Palestinians who have lived on the land since the beginning of time.

That success has encouraged the Jews to work on dominating the American marketplace of ideas. This done, their leaders spent much of the energy they had, and used most of the capers in their bag of tricks to turn every dialogue in America (not only those about Palestine) into a monologue coming out the two sides of one and the same Jewish mouth. Call it the dialogue of one.

And like a contagious disease, the habit has spread throughout the land going at the speed of wildfire, thus killed the art of civilized discourse in that society. This left the Jews in near total monopoly of the marketplace of ideas, turning it into a marketplace that's bereft of any sensible idea. The flagship of this development being the much vaunted Congress of the United States; it became the much reviled institution in America.

Devorah Baum then appeared on the scene armed with her latest article. Whatever her reasons for writing that thing, she demolished, once and for all, every asinine pronouncement of the kind that was made by Netanyahu. It was the claim that proof existed to the effect that Palestine belongs to Jewish converts and not to the indigenous Palestinians.

But the proof Netanyahu produced was nothing more than to claim someone had seen the name Netanyahu etched on something discovered somewhere in occupied Palestine. And that – according to him – was proof positive that Palestine belonged to the Jews and to no one else. Some people laughed; others felt nauseated.

Still, Baum's arguments were useful in that they extinguished Netanyahu's claim and all such claims by demonstrating that the Jews are living an identity crisis, not knowing who they are. She also argued that the principle of “Jewishness” is becoming more diluted with the passage of time, thus reinforcing the point that the situation will only get worse.

Now imagine how shocked a Palestinian reading Baum's article will be by its content. What should he or she think when reading that because the Jews are suffering from an identity crisis, they feel funny? But given that the world has become globalized, everyone else is losing their identity and feeling funny, she says. This makes it so that: “We're not all Jews, but we're all becoming Jew-ish,” and feeling funny, she goes on to say.

No doubt, a Palestinian reading these words will ask: Does that include us? If the answer is no, where do we fit if everyone but ‘us’ will someday be Jewish? Will everyone have a claim on Palestine except us, Palestinians?

Unfortunately, the Palestinians will not find an answer to these questions in the article. But then, they were never given an answer to the questions they asked since the occupation. Yet, here they are reading a Jewish admission that those who steal their properties with American blessings do not believe they descended from the Hebrews they swear lived in Palestine thousands of years ago.

The Palestinians can also read in Baum's article that contemporary so-called Jews, especially those living in America, do not practice the religion in whose name they are being uprooted, and their properties confiscated.

All this is happening to Palestinians to make room for fake Jewish charlatans whose only skill is to incite America to commit the heinous crimes they would not themselves commit lest they be punished.

And none of that makes the Palestinians feel funny, regardless of Devorah Baum's assertion that “The other thing that feeling funny can lead to is fun”.

The Palestinians want their country back, but the Americans who are losing their own country cannot begin to process a request as legitimate as this.