Friday, September 8, 2017

Netanyahu is telegraphing his Impotence

Ever since George W. Bush borrowed a saying from the Second World War and used it to describe a ‘gathering storm’ that will allow Saddam Hussein to bury the Planet under a deadly mushroom cloud – a claim that later proved to be false – the saying lost its punch. And yet, some writers continue to use it in one form or another, aiming to deliver a powerful punch. Unfortunately for them, the saying now falls like a dud every time it is used.

This is what happened to Ziva Dahl and her editor who used a version of the saying in the article that came under the title: “The gathering Iranian menace in Syria” and the subtitle: “Israel cannot tolerate a land corridor from Tehran to the Golan Heights.” It was published on September 6, 2017 in the Washington Times. To be sure, the editor is responsible for the expression “gathering Iranian menace” that is in the title, but it is also how Ziva Dahl ended her article. Both are equally guilty.

Other than that, what's worth noting about the form used in the subtitle is the assertion that says: “Israel cannot tolerate.” Usually this form of speech is used by those who have the situation under control. When they warn “we cannot tolerate,” they signal they will crush anyone defying their prohibition on something. And this would be enough to send a challenger running scared like a mouse.

But this was never Israel's mode of operation because Israel was never in a position to deliver a serious blow in an honest frontal confrontation with someone. Instead, Israel counted on the element of surprise to hit and run someone preoccupied with other issues. Thus, whenever Israel warns of an action – no matter how assertively it does it – those who know, see the warning as a bluster indicating that Israel is frightened about something and incapable of dealing with it. This is how Netanyahu comported himself during the negotiations that led to the Iran Nuclear Deal, and this is what he is doing now regarding Iran's alliance with a number of Arab countries.

But why is Netanyahu frightened? He is because the eternally unwise Jews have once again created a Frankenstein that's growing to a size and strength they know they can never subdue. And so, having brainwashed the American Congress into believing that when someone becomes big and strong, he'll be a foe bent on destroying Israel, America and everything that's good – Netanyahu is counting on that same Congress to write letters to the President, and write op-ed pieces in major publications, asking the Executive to send the military to the Middle East with instructions to destroy the “menace” that is Iran.

So then, how does the newly minted Frankenstein look like in the eyes of Netanyahu and Israel and America's Jews? He looks like this: “Iranian-backed forces are seizing territory with the goal of making Syria the center of a 'Shia Crescent' – creating an Iranian sphere of influence stretching from Tehran to Beirut to the Mediterranean.” As to why this is bad, Ziva Dahl is claiming that “this Iranian land bridge facilitates movement of weapons between Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Such a corridor empowers Hezbollah, now armed with tens of thousands of Iranian missiles”.

And this is where you bump into the Jewish logic that has kept these people incapable of altering their miserable existence for thousands of years. They have been using this logic in Palestine for a while now, and they are trying to apply it to the entire Levant. Look what Dahl is saying: “Hezbollah, now armed with tens of thousands of Iranian missiles.” Well, if Iran is currently sending weapons into Lebanon at will, why does Netanyahu fear “an Iranian sphere of influence stretching from Tehran to the Mediterranean”? It could not be because he fears Iran will do something it is already doing. Well then, what is it that's bothering him?

The answer is that the Jews have a problem with grasping the meaning of the expression “live and let live.” They only feel comfortable in a setting where they dominate their neighbor such as the reality that is the West Bank; or when they have the neighbor under their gun, such as the reality that is Gaza; or when they bend the population to their will by controlling its leaders, such as the reality that is America.

And so, if Iran gains influence over Syria and Lebanon, it means that Israel will never establish its influence over Syria or Lebanon. This is what's bothering Netanyahu and those who think like him. They want the American military to solve this problem for them by destroying Iran … whatever the consequences will be for America and for the world.