Saturday, September 23, 2017

The multiple Layers of Lies and Deception

That poor fellow Benny Avni––if he keeps doing what he's doing––the Jewish pundits will want to kick him out of their mob. It seems that every time he gets on the keyboard of his computer, he produces not a symphony of words that serenade Israel, but a cacophony of jumbled thoughts that threaten the phony posture Israel is trying to project to the world.

His latest attempt at producing the masterpiece he thought will cement Israel's continued right to use America's military and financial muscles by which to bully its neighbors, has backfired again; and he doesn't even realize it. This time, he tried his hand over a two-day period to produce that masterpiece when on September 19, 2017 he wrote about the speech that was delivered by the American President Donald Trump at the UN; and the next day wrote about the speech that was delivered by the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at that same forum.

Avni seems to have understood Rouhani's speech just enough to hate it, but misunderstood Trump's speech so badly as to believe it can be used to serve Israel's interests. That is, Avni latched on to the idea of Trump promoting the principle of sovereignty, and tried to make a big deal out of it, not knowing it can only hurt Israel. This happened because, like they say, a little education is a bad thing.

In fact, Avni says that Trump's “sovereignty” approach harks back to the 1940s, which is true. But this knowledge is incomplete in that it misses two things. First, another important expression used to accompany the word sovereignty: “territorial integrity.” Second, the talk about sovereignty and territorial integrity harks back not only to the 1940s when Nazi Germany was going on a rampage in Europe, but also to the 1960s when Israel was going on a rampage in the Middle East.

In the 1940s, this kind of talk was music to Jewish ears because the Jews did not have a sovereign nation of their own, and the United Nations gave them one they called Israel. Twenty years later, Israel had violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbors, and most of the talk that arose at the time surrounded the reality that the land Israel was occupying beyond the boundaries of the 1948 lines, was a breach of someone's territorial integrity, and a violation of their sovereignty.

It follows from this that when President Trump speaks of sovereignty he is reminding Israel that it is in criminal violation of international law. This gives the aggrieved parties the right to defend themselves in the true sense of the words whatever method they use to do the job, given their capabilities and those of the aggressor. In these circumstances, Israel's complaints have no validity as long as it maintains its criminal posture.

As to Benny Avni's handling of President Rouhani's speech, it is an example of the layered levels of lies and deception that the Jewish propaganda machine is using these days. The operators of the machine found it necessary to resort to the multi-layered approach because people learned to look for the truth beneath the polished surface of lies that the machine was producing previously.

Two examples of the new method came early in the September 20, 2017 Avni article. Having accused Rouhani of seeing in other people his own faults, Avni took issue with him because Rouhani expressed pride in his country's armed forces and all those who defend the nation. But Avni said these were bad people because they created Hezbollah, and because Iran sends weapons to warring factions from Afghanistan to Africa.

First example: The truth is that Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Palestine were created by Israel long before Iran had its eyes on the Levant. Israel began that process when Iran was embroiled in a long war with Iraq's Saddam Hussein.

Second example: When it comes to sending weapons to warring factions around the world, the only people caught selling weapons to both sides in a conflict were the Israelis. They were the Jewish merchants of death, caught red handed selling weapons to both the government and the rebels in Sri Lanka. They are currently suspected of doing the same thing in other places around the globe.

In addition, the people who look into Israel's finances know how much importance the central bank of Israel places on the export of weapons – much of which being American-made, and some of it containing secrets that America forbids transferring to potential enemies; a rule that Israel breaks routinely.

And so, it can be seen that the Jews who invented the trick of accusing others of the evil they see in themselves, now accuse others of doing that very thing.

In other words, when the world unveiled their trick, the Jews started accusing their opponents of practicing that very trick. That’s what Avni did accusing Hassan Rouhani of what is purely a Jewish habit.

But the new bent is so easy to detect, we are likely to see the Jews add more layers to it.