Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Promoting the Jewish Dear Leader in America

If you think that the Dear Leader lives only in East Asia, think again. There is another one in America, but unlike the Trinitarian manifestation of God – a dogma believed by Christians – the one in America comes, not in three incarnations but in something like five or six million duplicates, called Jews. And we must not forget that another few millions live outside America, most notably in a place called Occupied Palestine – or Israel for short.

One of the duplicates in America is named Jonathan Feldstein. Distressed by the thought that 314 million Americans may be unaware of the Jewish divine manifestations in Occupied Palestine – excuse me, Israel – he wrote an article to hammer into the skull of those beings, the need for them to know about the millions of divine duplicates who populate the Holy Land of Occupied Palestine – excuse me, Israel.

Feldstein's article came under the title: “Why You Should Know About Israel's Air Attack in Syria and Why you Should Care,” published on September 10, 2017 in Townhall. If you are not Catholic, and have not attended a Catechism class, you won't know how much force is packed in the dogma this title represents. Take it to mean you are commanded to learn, and to forever remember what Feldstein the Jew is about to drum into your head. Here is what he wants you to know:

He says that because the Jews are good people, they are also omnipotent divine entities. For this reason, they stick with the red lines they draw. Thus, the air strike on Syria should remind the evil people in the Middle East of that reality. It should also remind the Iranians that they are being watched by the Jewish eye that never blinks. There is also a message in the air strike for the US and Russia. It tells them that empowering Iran as they did not long ago is unacceptable to Israel.

And there is the reality that Israel is so powerful and magnificent, it has dominance over Syria and Lebanon. This is why its latest air strike on Syria is making Iran's leaders think twice, he says. The strike also teaches the Americans that no mission is too great to accomplish. In fact, if Israel can do it, so can America, he adds. This is not to incite the U.S. to run around and commit criminal acts; it is simply a statement of fact, according to him.

What comes out of all this is that every crime committed by the divinities of Israel “has significant global ramifications about which you should be aware,” he says. This is why everyone on the planet must be told about it in the language and the culture in which they grew up. Being American, he fulfilled his part by writing the article in the style that he did to suit an American audience. It may sound a little odd to some people in that audience but will sound acceptable to most people.

However, if the article is translated literally into French for example, it would sound a lot like a jarring American buffoonery to a French audience. The reaction of the attendees will be something like: “Mais quels macaques sont ces deux!” speaking of the writer and the subject about whom he is writing. And you can be certain that the French will reject the article's message outright.

This is why Jonathan Feldstein took pain to explain that “In Israel, incidents like these [air attack on Syria] are neither confirmed nor denied. This is part of the culture. Details are often leaked to international media which reports it” to the Feldsteins of the world who take it from there and promote the Gods of Israel in a way that is palatable to the local audiences; making sure not to turn them off.

Another advantage in doing things this way, says Jonathan Feldstein is that the inherent ambiguity which comes with this style, gives Israel's enemies the chance to save face when they find themselves unable to respond to an Israeli attack. It spares them the embarrassment of having to explain to their people how their defenses were breached. If you want to know, this is a reflection of the goodness of the Jewish heart, and the godliness of the people who are in charge of Occupied Palestine cum Israel.

And here is the thought that should not surprise you, dear reader. Feldstein says that an Israeli defense official told him Israeli intelligence is so good, the gumshoes that run it know what kind of humus the enemies dip their pita into; “it is something to be in awe of, never ceasing to amaze”.

Well, let me say to Jonathan Feldstein that if he believes this story, he'll believe me telling him I know what kind of fumes that guy was inhaling on the day they had that conversation.