Sunday, April 29, 2018

America, the World and the Iran Deal

The worst thing that can happen to a recently diminished has-been is that he does not believe he was reduced to the status of a has-been, thus continues to function as if he still is what he was.

He bites more than he can chew only to discover he cannot swallow all that he used to down in a single gulp. And so, he spits what's in the mouth and goes for another bite, thus repeats the performance till he finally realizes he is not up to it the way he was.

By now, the has-been would have cultivated a large number of enemies on whom he tried to chew but couldn't. Sensing his weakness, the enemies turn around and start biting at him like a swarm of piranha feasting on a drowning prey that never learned how to swim. (Recall that the Ottoman Empire was once called the Sick Man of Europe.) What will happen after that is totally unpredictable because only a miracle can now save the diminished and near helpless has-been.

Whether a piranha-eating predator will appear out of nowhere and chase away the little brutes, or whether the water will suddenly chill, and force the warm-water piranhas to flee – will depend on what the big guy up there decides. Will He give the has-been a second chance? Or will He leave him at the mercy of his former preys that will most certainly devour him one bite at a time?

This, of course, is a metaphor. It is meant to represent the situation in which the United States of America finds itself at this time. In fact, America lives in a world it used to dominate; a world in which it has steadily diminished in stature on several fronts, ranging from the economic dimension to the military prowess.

Whereas the world realizes what is happening to America, America fails to see that its reach has exceeded its ability to grasp what's there. And so, America continues to listen to those who promote an alien agenda. It is the scheme of those whose goal is to destroy an entire neighborhood so that they, who are alien to the region, may dominate where America used to be a welcome partner and a friend.

As it happens, the group that's promoting the alien agenda in America is none other than the editors of the Wall Street Journal. They wrote a piece that came under the title: “Europe, Trump and the Iran Deal” and the subtitle: “Macron's move opens the way for a joint rewrite of the nuclear agreement.” Their piece was published on April 27, 2018 in the Journal.

The aliens are the Jews whose agenda is to destabilize the Middle East and destroy it so that Israel may move in and dominate in the places where the United States of America used to have long-time reliable and faithful friends that did not hide the admiration they had for America's accomplishments, and looked up to it.

What the Journal editors are doing is tell America how it must use its diminished resources and reduced powers to force its friends in Europe to go against their own grain, and do what's necessary to advance the Judeo-Israeli agenda of destroying the region where the indigenous groups used to understand America but now get confused hearing its recent Jewish-like pronouncements and its changing behavior.

The editors are suggesting that if America fails to convince its European friends of what they must do, it should take the plunge into the piranha infested waters. That would be a world that had it up to here with a genocidal Israel whose surrogates are forcing America to pimp for it everywhere around the world. Here, in condensed form, is how the editors of the Journal have expressed their thinking:

“Trump may withdraw from [the Iran deal]. Iran and Europe would isolate the U.S. But Trump can reimpose sanctions on Iran. If Europe tried to join Iran and Russia and isolate the U.S., Trump could then impose secondary sanctions on European companies doing business with Iran. There's no denying the consequences of U.S. withdrawal would be messy. Europe has to decide if it wants to unite with the U.S. or risk a showdown over U.S. sanctions on Iran and Europe”.

But the thing is that Europe has already decided how it will run its own business. When Netanyahu tried to tell the Germans what kind of military relationship they can have with Egypt, the Germans told him to mind his own f**ing business. Netanyahu shut the f**k up and never tried to con any European ever again.

Learning from Europe's responses, the Americans must begin by telling the likes of the Wall Street Journal editors they must learn how not to write treasonous editorials before they can try telling the captains of the ship of state how to sail the ship.