Friday, April 27, 2018

The seductive Signals of a virulent Disease

What is wrong with a child – you catch with the hand in the cookie jar – that denies his hand is in the cookie jar? Well, nothing is wrong with that child; he is just a child being a child. If things unfold normally for him, you can expect him to grow up and become a fine citizen.

What is wrong with an adult you catch with the hand in the company petty cash – that denies his hand is in the company petty cash? And what is it with him that insults you for suggesting he may be doing something unethical? Well, what is wrong with this adult is that he is a thief, a liar and a downright lout.

What is wrong with a guy that never stops bragging about accomplishments he never scored, knowing that his audience is aware he is lying through his teeth? Well, what is wrong with this guy is that he is kept inside a blanket of insecurity so thick, he cannot detect his nakedness nor that he drips with shamelessness.

What is wrong with a guy that calls on surrogates to sing accomplishments he never achieved knowing that most of the audience out there knows that's a lie? Well, what is wrong with this guy is that he is a Jew. And you know this to be true because only a Jew would do what he did. When you gather a few like him and give them a homeland, they look for more suckers to draft into the service of promoting their Jewish causes.

That's what happened in 1948 when Israel was created. Ever since that time, the most important task the Jews have had was to find a host on which to feed while pretending to comfort the breast they suckled. After three failures courting the Soviet Union, France and England, the Jews discovered a made-to-order sucker that was perfectly suited to play the role. It was the United States of America.

After that discovery, the Jews needed one more ingredient to get the ball rolling. It was a story they could tell from both sides of the mouth. Being who they are, they had no difficulty putting together a story that would send out seductive signals from one side of the mouth while spraying venom from the other side of the mouth.

They thought correctly that the Americans were gullible enough to believe – on the one hand – that having chosen them to be his favorite children, God gave them the best piece of land in the world known as the Land of Milk and Honey; and gullible enough to believe – on the other hand – that the land was barren and inhospitable to such an extent, only their ingenuity was able to turn it into a lush green oasis.

Thus, in the American system of beliefs, the Jews had become lovable things in the eyes of God, as well as being so ingenious as to almost rival Him in knowledge and wisdom. This is why the Americans adopted the view that the Jews have the right to grab anything they want even at the objection of its owner.

With a climate such as this permeating every walk of life in America, everyone has learned to step aside and make room for the Jew to enjoy the right of way without lifting a finger for the privilege. A mind blowing example of this reality is the behavior of America's legislators who fall over each other to give Israel what it wants at a time when America, having its own needs, is drowning in debt and stubborn problems.

Having this kind of power over America, and seeing that America has sway over parts of the world, it was inevitable that the Jews began to scheme the use of America's power and influence to further their Israeli agenda. That being the creation of a Jewish empire that will eclipse the splendors of the ancient world, the Jews of America tried to grow Israel by the method of conquest till they learned that violence had limits and will not get them what they wanted.

And so, it occurred to them that instead of using violence to conquer Israel's neighbors, they should try to do it the way they conquered gullible America. They will blitz the region with propaganda, duplicating in the Arab world what the Jews achieved in America. They will make the Arabs believe that the Jews are so ingenious they are full of knowledge and wisdom. With that, they hope to make the Arabs adopt the view that the Jews have the right to grab anything they want, anytime they decide.

How to do that? By doing what Herbert London did with the article he wrote under the title: “A fresh wind in the Middle East,” published on April 24, 2018 in The Washington Times. This is a 620-word piece that has one purpose only and one sentence to express it.

After the necessary verbiage that makes of the effort an article, Herbert London ended his argument with the star of the show. They were the following two sentences: “If the Middle East has a future, it is dependent on the innovation emerging from the Jewish state. Who would have guessed that the target of Arab enmity for years would turn out to be the region's savior?”

But guess what, my friend. This Jewish approach has been going on for a while already, and whereas some people are flipping over it in America, almost no one bothers with it in the Middle East. The few that glance over it see it as a virulent disease that's trying to seduce them. No, the Arabs will not go the way of America.