Monday, April 2, 2018

How self-Delusion spawns horrible Realities

This discussion is in reaction to two columns discussing free speech and the political system. The first column came under the title: “The Nazi Running for Congress –– and the Bright Side of Awful Candidates,” written by J.J. McCullough and published on March 26, 2018 in National Review Online. The second column came under the title: “Jeremy Corbyn, Accidental Anti-Semite,” written by Bret Stephens and published on March 29, 2018 in The New York Times.

Before I get into what I have to say about that subject, I must do something I don't like doing normally but must do at times to tell what happened to me that shaped my thoughts on the subject I happen to be discussing.

I've been getting reports on what the Canadian Jewish Congress was saying about me behind my back for several decades. They were filthy slanders of the most Jewish kind meant to scare prominent and ordinary gentiles about dealing with me in any way that might help me succeed in whatever I was doing. I shall not repeat what they said lest I amplify it, but I reserve the right to characterize these horrible creatures as the most cowardly and savage animals ever to disgrace this planet by their presence.

As to what they said to other Jews; it can be summed up by the encounter they had with someone named Alan Borovoy. He was head of the Civil Liberties Union, and he wanted them to end their persecution of me. His argument was that no matter how much they thought I was trying to hurt them, saying that Egypt was a civilized country, I had no political ambition, no constituency and no base of operation on which I could draw strength to harm them. They said in response that Hitler started out as a one-man movement that grew so strong it almost brought about the Final Solution. No, they went on to say, they have no intention to end their persecution of me. And besides, they revealed that they had no mechanism by which to recall or reverse what they had started. They never did and they don't think they ever will.

So now I read the J.J. McCullough essay and see that, speaking of America, the author's message is that his country is “a nation without ideological barriers to democratic participation. Its test of moral clarity testifies to the strength and scope of American constitutional freedom.” And I wonder if he is talking about the America I see from my vantage point as I sit here in Canada and watch the events unfold across the border. What I detect in that essay is nothing more than an exercise in self-delusion.

In fact, it happened that I started this blog at a time when proponents of free speech in America were locked in a mortal combat with the American equals of Canada's horrible creatures. There too, the Jews were pressuring book publishers not to print books that criticized Israeli policies in occupied Palestine. They were also banning people like Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa from speaking at American universities and colleges because he had criticized Israel's occupation of Palestine. And they were banning a former President from attending his own party's convention because he had criticized Israel's occupation of Palestine… and so on.

Now that he was reminded of such incidents taking place a while ago, does J.J. McCullough still believe that the practice of democracy in America is better or different from he way it is in Canada? If that's what he believes, his attention should be drawn to two realities. One reality was argued on this website time and time again. It is that what's done by American Jews overseas should be seen as a rehearsal of what they plan to do to America sooner or later. Another reality is that the Bret Stephens column should be seen as a signal that the process has already begun. What Stephens is doing in Britain is what he'll try to do in America, except that he and his cohorts will do it insidiously to avoid being detected. Here is what he is saying for now:

“Jeremy Corbyn is facing criticism because he questioned the removal of a mural that looks like a scene from the Protocol of the Elders of Zion. He was member of a group that displayed postings about the Rothschild family. He issued a post for Holocaust Memorial Day that included no mention of Jews or anti-Semitism. A Labour Party document urged its members to reject an effort to ban Hezbollah in Britain. He met an activist whose League had published a cartoon denying the Holocaust. He associated with an anti-Israel group founded by the Holocaust denier Paul Eisen. He appeared on Iran's English language TV. He has risen to the pinnacle of British politics. He flaunted his association with anti-Semites. Anti-Semitic incidents in Britain hit a record high. Countries that care about the safety of Jews don't elevate leaders that spent their careers being dismissive of it. The election of Trump has caused fear about the threat he poses to civil liberties. Corbyn may be the next prime minister of Britain. If the Left is willing to let him off the hook, it can have no case against Trump”.

Well my friend, consider this: If Bret Stephens has it his way, the J.J. McCullough self-delusion will spawn the situation that so terrifies Bret Stephens. Imagine what stinging irony this will be!