Sunday, April 1, 2018

This is how they keep the lucrative Myth alive

Modern technology is so advanced, it has transformed archeology into a respectable science. From carbon dating to DNA sequencing to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), a plethora of instruments and techniques are helping archeologists figure out how people used to live thousands of years ago.

The more that the archeologists study the way the people used to live in ancient Egypt, the more they learn how pleasant life must have been for the ordinary citizens. These were the people who produced the food that fed the nation; the people who invented the rituals that served a system of beliefs glorifying deities whose knack was to accept nothing less than perfection; the people who built the monuments that immortalized their culture, telling us centuries later, how much they loved life on earth and looked forward to life beyond.

The more that science establishes these facts with the accuracy it is famous for, the more it lends credence to the historical record of that era. It is an exhaustive record that was left behind by the ancients in the form of pictorial and hieroglyphic depictions on murals and parchment. There were also accounts written by Greek and Roman historians who traveled to Egypt and described what they witnessed. In addition, it must be said that in all this material, not a scintilla of a hint was alluded to by any of the record keepers to say that the Pharaohs were anything but benevolent rulers who treated everyone equally, and treated them with fairness and kindness.

Thus, with the convergence of science and a historical record compiled from several sources, the Jewish stories that seek to perpetuate the myth of the Jews being discriminated against in ancient Egypt, have been completely demolished. As to the assertion that the Jews were treated as slaves, it proved to be so preposterous a claim, those that hear it reckon it can only be a load of Jewish lies for, only they are capable of such vulgarity.

And that's not to mention such monumental lie as the claim by Jews that they built the pyramids when in reality they did not migrate to Egypt till a thousand years or more after the completion of the last pyramid. By the way, it must also be said that no construction of new monuments were done in Egypt after the pyramids. What the younger generations of monarchs did instead was to “recycle” the old monuments by erasing the existing inscriptions honoring the original builders, and etching new inscriptions honoring the acquirers. And so, whatever work the Jews were doing to earn a living, it was not the hard work they falsely claim they did.

And so, commanded by the sense of religious duty that obligates the Jews to invent the lies that confuse the public and paralyze it, how do you think the Jews began to display their Jewishness?

To get a sense of how the Jews did that, you may want to read an article that came under the title: “To Appreciate Freedom, Remember Slavery” and the subtitle: “Echoes of Exodus in the rise of modern Israel from the Holocaust's ashes,” written by Ruth R. Wisse and published on March 30, 2018 in the Wall Street Journal. The following is how that article condenses:

“Re-enacting slavery is how Jews celebrate Passover. Jews recall their enslavement under Pharaoh in ancient Egypt. Slaves are generally well-maintained to ensure they remain productive. Why commemorate a repetitive history of bondage? Like athletes who know they must train for the marathon, Jews rehearse the Exodus to practice overcoming slavery. There is no ambiguity in Passover; the prayer ends with the vow, 'Next year in Jerusalem!' The Passover story should never be left half told. American Jews erected museums and memorials and insisted the subject be taught to schoolchildren. The Holocaust records the failure of Jewish political strategy in Europe. Our family follows the traditional ceremony; singing the Jewish national anthem”.

There you have it from the horse's mouth, my friend. Knowing that literally thousands of ethnic groups share this planet, Ruth Wisse makes the point that only the Jewish group is rehearsing for a holocaust the Jews are certain will come for them like it has for thousands of years. Why is that? Wisse knows the answer to this question, and she gave it. It is this: “The Holocaust records the failure of Jewish political strategy”.

But what are the Jews doing to avoid the recurrence of that same fate? Believe it or not, they are not trying to avoid it. In fact, they are begging for it, and this is how they do it: “American Jews erected museums and memorials and insisted the subject be taught to schoolchildren.” A surefire way to beg for your execution is to mess with the children of others. And these characters are doing it in spades.

These people have learned that the Holocaust can be turned into a lucrative business, and they are not going to abandon it. As long as there will be new suckers converting to the religion, and as long as the time is ripe, the Jewish leaders will hand the new converts out to be sacrificed. This done, they will collect the payments and live healthy and wealthy ever after … as Jews or some other creed.