Saturday, April 14, 2018

Here is a dandy 'Israel Project' for you

A guy that goes by the name Joshua S. Block put together an outfit of some kind, called it 'The Israel Project' and appointed himself its Chief Executive Officer as well as President.

Whatever else he does for a living, Joshua Block writes for publications that pay him to promote the interests of his pet project: Israel. In fact, he just wrote an article that came under the title: “U.S. must tell Russia: We won't leave Syria until Iran does,” published on April 10, 2018 on the website, The Hill.

Knowing that Block's preoccupation is Israel, and seeing a title that says “We,” meaning “We, Americans” when his heart is really in Israel, the readers cannot escape the conclusion that the guy is poised to pull a fast one on the American people. In fact, that's what he did. Using a long and winding argument, he told his readers that their country must stay in Syria and must sacrifice whatever is necessary to help Israel supplant Iran's growing influence in the region … a job that Israel cannot do alone.

Joshua Block's ultimate goal is to continue spreading the mayhem that the Jews have unleashed on the Middle East since that fateful day in 1948 when the United Nations made the mistake of allowing them to squat in a portion of Palestine someone called a homeland for the Jews. So the question to ask is this: The reality of the current situation being what it is, what exactly is this guy, Joshua Block, advocating now?

To put it simply, what he wants is for America to remain in Syria. He says such a move will not only protect Israel; it will also protect the Arab countries which are friendly to America, and protect the American troops which are stationed in Iraq. The alternative of America leaving Syria, he goes on to say, is that a leadership vacuum will be created, and will be filled by the evil forces coming from Russia, Iran and the Assad regime.

You know what, my friend? Worse than having to go through a long and winding argument to find out what a writer is trying to say – is to discover that our intelligence was insulted by that writer as he tried to deceive us. And that's what Joshua Block just did. He insulted our collective intelligence to satisfy the Jewish requisite of blaming someone else for the awkward situation in which the Jews always find themselves. In this case, Block's problem was that he needed to find a scapegoat on whom to blame the failure of his project should something go wrong with its application.

It is also a case of Joshua Block feeling awkward asking America to remain in Syria at a time when the American people have indicated they want to see their country disengage from this kind of adventures. And so he devised a game plan by which to blame what may go wrong on the Russians if and when something will go wrong. Guess what he did. He said that America should tell the Russians if they want the Americans to get out of Syria, they must make sure that the Iranians will also get out of Syria.

Of course, Block knows that the Russians will not tell the Iranians what to do; but even if they did, the Iranians will not listen. The result will be that Russia, Iran and America will stay in Syria for an indefinite period of time … which sits well with Israel and its Jewish supporters who want America to remain in the region and protect Israel while the latter goes on a rampage in fulfillment of an ancient prophesy that refuses to materialize.

Do you see how neat this trick is from the Jewish point of view? Just think about it. Israel will have an insurance policy that's paid for with the blood of America's men and women in uniform, and financed with the hard earned money of America's taxpayers … this generation and those to come.

And so, if something will go wrong, neither the Jews nor Israel will be blamed. Instead, while the mob of Jewish pundits will be out in force echoing in unison the refrain that repeats: “Israel is our strongest ally,” the Russians will be blamed for what went wrong, given their failure to convince the Iranians to get out of Syria.

Who but a Jew of the Joshua Block caliber could have devised a trick that's reeking of a Jewish stench more malodorous than this?