Thursday, May 31, 2018

Calling on the Pimp-in-Chief to terrorize the Johns

What would you tell a guy that says the following?

I am not a White South African, so I never experienced what it's like to be a member of the apartheid crowd.

I am not a Black South African, so I never experienced what it's like to live under an apartheid regime.

I am not a Palestinian, so I don't know what it's like to be born under occupation and be forced to love it or expect to be killed under one fake pretext or another.

But I am an American Jew, and I was born knowing more things than all these people put together.

Well, if you heard someone say that, you would tell him to go screw himself; would you not? I am glad you agree. And this is what you should be saying to David May who wrote an article under the title: “South Africa Adds to Its Long Record of Israel-Bashing,” published on May 30, 2018 in the Weekly Standard.

David May makes it clear he is unhappy with the African National Congress (ANC) because he says there is a resemblance between it when it was fighting to end apartheid, and the government of Israel that is currently fighting to end the apartheid imposed on the Jews by the Palestinians. C'mon, you must be saying to yourself, no animal, let alone human being is so diminished as to entertain such thought.

If that's what you think, here are David May's words: “South Africa recalled its ambassador to Israel to condemn the violent aggression carried out by Israeli armed forces along the Gaza border … At first, it may seem strange that South Africa is so deeply committed to defending the actions of a [freedom fighting] organization, given its own struggle to overcome the violent racism of the apartheid regime.” Are you convinced now?

If you want to know why David May exploded with such rage, here is his reason: “Hamas admitted that 50 of the 62 Palestinians killed were members of the organization upending South Africa's claim that more than 40 were civilians.” And here is the full story of what happened during the encounter when 62 unarmed Palestinians were murdered in cold blood by the Israeli army:

Of those who died, 12 were journalists, mothers, children and ordinary citizens not affiliated with any political group. The remaining 50 were members of Hamas; some of whom might have been combatants but even they were not armed. They demonstrated using placards or the occasional slingshot; nothing more lethal than that.

But David May wants us to believe that every member of Hamas – journalists, women, children, doctors and engineers – are soldiers engaged in the armed struggle against the Israeli occupation. This is like saying that every Zionist is an ethnic cleansing murderer engaged in the annihilation of the Palestinian people.

In any case, all that aside, David May goes on to say that South Africa has given up a great deal to stand with the Palestinians instead of standing with Israel. It is because South Africa has been plagued with the anti-Semitic canard for a long time, he goes on to say. Here is how he put it:

“South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has been in office three months, but his record on the issue predates his time in office. His predecessor Jacob Zuma hosted a delegation from Hamas. Zuma also recalled the ambassador to Israel in 2010, and pressured ANC and opposition leaders to abstain from traveling to Israel. The ANC has demonstrated institutional hostility toward Israel”.

The result, he says, is that South Africa is undermining Israel's efforts to build relationships in Africa at a time when African leaders seek to benefit from Israeli technology and innovation. What David May omitted was that the African leaders took one look at Israeli innovations, and when they saw nothing, determined that what they need are things they can see and touch, not things they only hear about.

Undeterred, David May, goes on to rail against South Africa. Here is what else he said:

South Africa is also a leading proponent of the BDS campaign. South African officials are prepared to impose hardship on their own citizens. Even though Cape Town is facing a severe water crisis, South Africa has rejected Israeli offers of assistance. Israel is a world leaders in water solutions. Despite Israel's offer to provide its expertise, South Africa accused Israel of 'water apartheid' and endorsed BDS”.

Do you know what this is about, my friend? It's about Israeli solutions to water shortages. In the 1950s and 1960s, the Jews stole water from Lebanon and Syria, leading to the 1967 war. When they occupied the West Bank up to the Jordan River, they stole Jordan's water from its own river. When they dried up this source, they started stealing the water that belongs to the Palestinians. And so, when the South Africans looked at Israel's innovations in water thievery, they said: Thanks, but no thanks.

Now, my friend, guess what criminals do when they fail to have it their way? They blackmail, of course. And this is exactly what David May has done on behalf of Israel. See for yourself:

“When an ambassador to South Africa is appointed, and when U.S. leaders meet with their South African counterparts, they should press for an end to Pretoria's relations with Hamas and an end to the ANC's statements about Israel, including apartheid. They should remind South African leaders that U.S. law is unwavering in its opposition to BDS. This could have a deleterious effect on a future bilateral free trade agreement with the United States”.

In other words, David May wants President Donald Trump to run around the world in his capacity as pimp-in-chief for Israel, and warn all potential johns out there that if they don't come and make love to his revolting, ugly, stinking and syphilitic hooker, they'll experience some unspecified deleterious effects.