Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Humiliating the Jewish-driven American Bully

It does not matter who whispered in the ear of the American President, Donald Trump. He listened to the whisper; he took the advice and he embraced it. He is about to suffer the kind of consequences he never thought someone like him could be made to suffer. Worse, a good part of the consequences will involve the humiliation of America, and this will be the source of Donald Trump's eternal regret.

The story goes back to the old Jewish principle of accusing Arab and Muslim leaders of the sins they see in themselves. The most glaring example being the Jews accusing the West of reacting to Arab “provocations” by appeasing them in the way that Chamberlain appeased Hitler in 1938. But the reality is that Israel has been the one annexing Arab lands the way that Hitler annexed Czechoslovakian land at the time. He was a man so hungry to conquer; he didn't know where to stop. And like him, the Israelis never developed the ability to restrain themselves and yet, the West kept appeasing them, even pampering them.

That scenario is playing itself again but not in the exact same manner. This time, the Jews are not pushing their luck; they are pushing America's luck. They managed to engineer a situation they believe will give them what they want without paying a price in the event of failure. It is that they convinced Donald Trump he must renege on the nuclear deal America negotiated with Iran and five other powers representing the world. And that's a big deal because the annulment will drag with it a host of other issues.

In fact, if the annulment were the only issue at stake, the Americans might have succeeded at bluffing the world and getting the Jews what they wanted. But the situation is more complicated than that because what's happening in the Middle East is connected to what's happening in the Far East where the situation is as convoluted yet more dangerous given that there exist nuclear weapons ready to go off in that part of the world.

What's at play is that an almost imperceptible trend has been forming for a number of months, encouraged by the Jewish-driven behavior of the Americans. The trend has acted like a catalyst bringing the whole world together and placing it in opposition to America. Rather than follow the line that was predicted by the Jews –– namely that America has the wherewithal to scare both the Iranians and the North Koreans into capitulating –– those two countries find themselves in a position to call America's bluff, and will do so. When America will start backing off, Iran and North Korea will not stop pushing back. They'll keep pushing till they slam Trump's face against that of Uncle Sam and they'll push the two faces down till they rub them in mud laced with Netanyahu's feces. “You ate his crap” they'll say to Donald Trump, “here, go on and eat some more”.

In fact, anyone that was not mesmerized by the output of the Jewish propaganda machine lately, will have seen that Russia and China have been preparing for this moment because they wanted to see America humiliated enough to pack up its gear around the globe and go home, leaving behind a world at peace and free of America's presence. Overtly and covertly, China and Russia will continue to back Iran and North Korea to the hilt till that goal is achieved.

The two big powers worked quietly on that scheme to give the Europeans the time they needed to realize that America was possessed by Jews pushing it to bully the world like it never did before. When Trump trashed the deal, he made the mistake that convinced the Europeans they were looking at a Judeo-American combination that's a mortal danger to the world. It is that the Jews hunger to revive the colonialism of an earlier era, now given the military and economic power of America to do it with. They don't know where to stop, but they gave the Europeans the incentive to work on stopping them.

Yes, the Europeans that were giving the Americans the benefit of the doubt in the belief that the latter will ultimately break free from the Jewish grip and pursue an independent foreign policy, have become convinced that their stance was nothing more than wishful thinking. They have decided to coordinate their effort with that of Russia and China, and they'll work to persuade all other nations that the time has come to isolate America till it exorcises itself of the Jewish evil possessing it.

This will humiliate America no end, and Donald Trump will forever stand as the sorry face of that humiliation.