Friday, May 4, 2018

Cowardly Hypocrisy sinking to vile Levels

The uninspired and intellectually lazy characters that appoint themselves leaders of the Jewish rank and file; have discovered that they can win the debate in which they engage if it is done in a one-sided manner. That is, if they face no opponent but sit with a friendly interviewer that asks softball questions, or they face a hand-picked opponent that knows little or nothing of the subject being debated.

But when it happened that a genuine opponent slipped through the cracks – as it did at times – and in a face-to-face debate, gave the Jewish leader a hard time, the Jew pulled from his proverbial sleeve a one-word accusatory trump card and threw it at the opponent. This unexpected curved ball caused the opponent to freeze; and the Jew quickly declared winning the debate fair and square. In fact, the Jews invented several accusatory trump cards for use when they are cornered; among them 'anti-Semite' and 'Holocaust denier'.

The power of these accusations has now waned and the Jews shy away from using them in normal times. But when they get really desperate about something, they go back to using them. This was the case when the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas mentioned a fact that is not lost on anyone born and raised on Planet Earth. It is that the Jews have always been the architects of their own misery. This is a fact that no one with an IQ above that of a monkey, can deny because the alternative is to make all of humanity a genetically defective species suffering from an irrational hatred for Jews. And that's absurd.

Abbas made his observation in a speech and in no time at all the Jewish leaders who moonlight as the architects of Jewish misery, came out in force and accused Abbas of antisemitism. And that's not all. Because they are Jews that cannot help but be who they are, they tried to exploit the occasion to make gains in another area. You can see what they did when reading the New York Times's editorial that came under the title: “Let Abbas's Vile Words Be His Last as Palestinian Leader,” published on May 3, 2018.

The passage that shows how the Jews tried to exploit the occasion came at the start of their discussion. Here it is: “Mahmoud Abbas shed all credibility as a trustworthy partner if the Palestinians and Israelis ever again have the nerve to try negotiations.” This is a back-door cowardly attempt to continue doing what they have been doing for decades. It is to sabotage the ongoing effort at ending the criminal occupation of Palestine, and perpetuating the scheme of using American money, American weapons and diplomatic cover to annihilate the people of Palestine as well as ethnic cleanse the land that the Jews have always hungered to annex.

Bear in mind that Mahmoud Abbas––who was born and raised in Palestine to a family whose roots in that land go back to the beginning of time––is as original a Semite as anyone can be. What he did that sent the Jewish leaders into a hysterical tizzy, is that he agreed with their saying they are Europeans. What he refrained from doing this time for the sake of brevity – that he did at other times – was to loudly reject their claim that they are superior to his thoroughbred Semitic Palestinian kinfolks. Still, what Abbas said was enough to cause the Jewish leaders to foam at the mouth as they uttered the absurd accusation that Abbas the Semite expressed antisemitic sentiments because he agreed with the Europeans that they are not Semitic. Go figure.

And when Abbas said that they have always been the architects of their own pogroms and Holocaust, what he did, in effect, was confirm that the Holocaust did occur. They may not like the idea that he implied they are the architects of their eternal misery, but for them to accuse him of denying the Holocaust proves that they are an insult to the European ethnicity. How is that you ask? Well, if they say they are European human beings, and they don't have the IQ of an Asian monkey, they imply that the Europeans don't have the IQ of a monkey. No wonder they thought it prudent to hire an American jerk, and paid him a million dollars to vouch that European Jews are superior to authentic Palestinian Semites. Talking about an inferior species of animals!

All that shenanigan aside, if you consider that the cornerstone which holds together a political philosophy of governance, is none other than the economic system espoused by that philosophy, you realize that Mahmoud Abbas is onto something for saying the following: “The Jewish question is not against their religion, but against their social function, which relates to usury, banking and such”.

Give him time, and he'll come to the inevitable realization that Judaism is not a religion but a political movement or an organized syndicate disguised as an ethno-religious establishment that should be treated for what it is.