Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Sending the U.S. to the Swamp of Humiliation

It happens all the time that somebody realizes he was sitting at the top of the food chain but is now pushed down by a competitor whose glory is ahead of him whereas yesterday's somebody looks in disbelief at his old glory as it fades away behind him. 

This happens to individuals, institutions, countries and civilizations. It is now happening to America, but rather than accept retrenching gracefully in the way that good men and women age gracefully, there are those in America who engage in self-deception, and counsel that the country should proceed as if it will forever remain unchallenged, and maintain its position at the top of the food chain.

One such self-deceiver is Matt Mackowiak who wrote: “Trump's success with North Korea provides road map for Iran,” an article that was published on May 9, 2018 in The Washington Times. The author begins the article by letting the readers know what he is using as foundation upon which to build his argument. He is using modern urban legends of the kind that proved to be false time and time again.

Here is Mackowiak's first use of urban legend: “North Korea continues to take meaningful steps toward denuclearization.” The truth is that North Korea is not denuclearizing at this time. It stopped testing nuclear weapons because it completed the program it had designed to give itself the security it needed in the face of continued American military presence on the Peninsula.

North Korea is also blowing up the site where it has been conducting nuclear tests because the site was collapsing. To abandon it as is and walk away would have represented great danger to any human or animal walking into it since it is radio-active and will so remain for centuries. To make it safe, the place must be blown up, sealed almost hermetically, and left untouched for centuries.

Here is another Mackowiak use of urban legend that should be classified as a “feel good fantasy.” It goes like this: “Trump has been strong, consistent and credible with North Korea from the very beginning and now Pyongyang has come to the table to talk.” Well, we don't have to wait for history to tell us how erroneous this assumption is. We can say with a great deal of certainty that sooner rather than later, pieces of the truth will come out and will tell the following actual story:

Russia, China, North Korea and Iran had it up to here seeing the world and themselves bullied by America. They decided the time had come to chase the bully away from every place on the globe where it has no business being. They knew they could do it right now but thought it might be better to have Europe join them. To make this happen, China instructed North Korea to behave as sweetly as Cinderella. Russia instructed Iran to behave as nicely as Robin Hood. And the four countries anticipated that John Bolton's America will continue to behave as coarsely as Genghis Khan, which will prompt the Europeans to turn against it. The four also anticipated that Europe will then gladly join the Cinderella/Robin-Hood camp. In fact, this is happening right now.

Imbued to their bones with the falsehoods of urban legends, Matt Mackowiak and all those like him fail to see the reality of what is unfolding around them. What they do instead is let themselves be impressed by false signs such as this: “Trump convinced the Chinese President to isolate the North Korean regime and cut off Pyongyang's economic lifeline. The U.S. got China to ban North Korean exports of coal, iron ore, and other raw materials, while putting a cap on oil supplies”.

Unable to operate at a level that goes deeper than the two dimensions of superficiality, Mackowiak and people like him cannot, for a moment, imagine that it is not beyond the realm of possibility that the Chinese, the Europeans and the rest of the world are beginning to view America through a very unflattering lens.

They see America as a madman that's holding a hand grenade with the pin pulled out, and threatening to explode it in a room full of people unless they all condemn Iran and promise to “accept the legitimacy of Israel.” In the face of this, the Chinese, among others, are handling America with extreme caution … which is not to say they respect Trump's blackmail. They just don't want to provoke him into blowing up the world.

Meanwhile, road maps of the quality that Mackowiak has brought to America's table, have always led their users to the swamp of humiliation. And that's where the Jews have been sending America.