Friday, May 11, 2018

The ironic positive Side of Extremism

Can something good come out of something bad? The answer is: sometimes but only rarely. For example, it is not a good thing to lose a leg. But if a leg is affected by an incurable cancer, it is a good thing to amputate it. Thus, from the amputation that's inherently a bad thing will have come the good thing that is the cure.

This principle also applies in social, political and diplomatic settings where individuals, organizations and countries that used to get along fine, discover they are no longer compatible. They determine that parting of the ways – referred to generically as divorce – will be a good thing for both, and for those around them who are affected by their deteriorating relationship.

There are an infinite number of reasons why relationships begin to deteriorate. Some relationships can be mended by expert counseling. Some require the temporary separation of the parties in what is referred to as a cooling off period during which emotions calm down and cooler heads are given the opportunity to prevail. And some relationships prove to be beyond repair, having gone through counseling and a cooling off period with no avail.

Many people will be shocked to hear this, but I believe that the relationship between the Arab World and America has deteriorated so badly, a clean and immediate divorce will be a good thing for both sides. The reason is simple and easy to see; America is controlled by Jews who want to holocaust the entire Arab/Muslim World, and they use America to achieve their goal.

Rather than be honest about it and so declare publicly, the Jews are playing the double-faced game of exploiting America and the Arabs by pretending to bring them together amicably while injecting venom in both their courts. The Jewish game is to force the implosion of the relationship every time that the two parties come close enough to seal a genuine and lasting friendship.

And there is someone that will corroborate this view. Can you imagine who he might be? I'll tell you who. He is none other than Benny Avni. In fact, he just wrote and published: “Keep killing off Obama's foreign policy, Mr. President,” a column that was published on May 8, 2018 in the New York Post.

The title of Avni's column speaks of “killing off” America's foreign policy. In fact, his discussion is confined to only the Arab and Muslim worlds. In addition, he makes clear that the policy he's talking about is a holdover from the Obama era. But it is one that the current President, Donald Trump, has not relinquished or killed, he goes on to say. And there is worse than that according to Benny Avni who formulated such sentiment as follows:

“State Department and Pentagon officials left over from the Obama era insist on funding the Lebanese Armed Forces. Visiting Beirut in February, Rex Tillerson pledged the US will continue aid to Lebanon's military and internal security forces. Worse: Last month, Trump issued a statement addressing an international conference in Paris aimed at boosting foreign investment in Lebanon. He said that American companies will look forward to the new opportunities in Lebanon”.

What Avni wants is what the Jewish establishment wants. As can be seen from that passage, what the Jews want is a rupture in relations between Lebanon and the United States of America not only in military matters but also in economic and diplomatic matters. What's not in doubt is that what the Jews want doesn't apply to Lebanon only but to the entire Arab and Muslim Worlds.

In fact, when you look at the presentations that the Jews make time after time before the Congress, the White House and in the marketplace of ideas, you'll find that all of them resemble what Avni has said about Lebanon. It is that the Jews want to kill every sort of cooperation that may blossom between the Arabs, the Muslims and the Americans.

So far, the Jews have failed to reach their ultimate goal. But the venom they continually inject into the relationship makes it a bitter thing to live with. For this reason a rupture between the Arabs and America would be advisable … as extreme as this may sound.

Whether or not passions will subside and cooler heads prevail as a result, remains to be seen. What is clear at this point is that as long as America remains controlled by the Jews, the malaise will continue. And so, what must happen first and foremost is for America to liberate itself from the Jewish tyranny that's plaguing it.

If this is achieved, things will become normal for America, and a new set of relationships will be constructed for it. The good old days may yet renew themselves.