Sunday, May 6, 2018

Jewish Leaders returning to their Marxist Roots

Joost Hiltermann wrote an article whose content you may consider as the first draft of an eventual protocol that will help the Jews pivot back to their Marxist roots.

The article came under the title: “Who can prevent a War Between Israel and Iran? Russia,” published on May 3, 2018 in the New York Times. Reading it, you sense that the Jews have realized that –– in the matter of goodwill toward America among the nations of the Middle East –– they sucked the superpower of what it possessed to near depletion, and that the time had come for them to start cultivating a replacement.

Still gripped by the mentality of the Nineteenth Century, the self-appointed leaders of the Jews have failed to see that the world of tomorrow––in the process of being shaped today––is a world in which every sovereign state, no matter how small it may be, will follow a fiercely independent course, relying on itself, and demanding respect from the big powers. But as a result of their inability to correctly interpret the unfolding events, the Jews looked at the Middle East and thought that a vacuum was created by America's retreat; one they believe Russia is filling.

And so, the Jews did what comes naturally to them. They spitted out America, and began to place themselves on a road they hope will lead them into the good graces of Russia and its President, Vladimir Putin. To the Jews, this is not new terrain for, they were there before. They know the place, and they are known to the people they spitted out at an earlier time when they pivoted toward America. It must be said that Jewish history in Europe is germane to what they are doing today and what will happen in the future, whatever that may be.

Before the Industrial Revolution had started in Europe, the Jews lived as did everyone else. If they were not merchants, they were farmers that worked the land, or craftsmen that produced goods such as pottery, furniture or clothes. They produced these things at home or in adjacent small shops. Because paper currency had not yet existed, and because the use of precious metals was limited, they took their products to market and bartered them against the goods they needed for themselves.

The Industrial Revolution changed all that in many fundamental ways. The most important change was that the people no longer had control over what they produced. They went to work in mines or in factories that belonged to someone else, and produced goods that were not theirs, operating machines that were not theirs either. In return for their work, they received wages whose value was determined by the employer.

The workers revolted; they organized and demanded – among other things – that they be allowed to own the means of production so as to mimic what they had before the onset of the Industrial Revolution. In the tumult, there arose among them labor leaders who looked for someone that could articulate their demands and champion them. These leaders detected such qualities in Karl Marx who turned out to be a Jew. This prompted the Jewish workers to embrace the movement and develop it further to become a political party. When they reached this stage, they worked on spreading their message to the world. International Communism was born.

At the same time however, the very elements that caused the harsh social effects of the Industrial Revolution, also caused something else to happen. While barter was dying, causing an increase in the use of gold and silver, this practice too was dying because industry was advancing at such a fast clip it outpaced the production of precious metals. For these reasons, paper money was invented, paving the way for the rise of Capitalism, the very antithesis of Communism. And the Jews took to it with the same enthusiasm they had for Communism.

They created the central bank and gave it sole authority to print the money. They put themselves in charge of the bank, thus became sole managers if not virtual owners of the national economy. From this point on, they could give out just enough cash for the masses to live comfortably and not be tempted to riot, while giving themselves enough cash to live the luxurious life, and have enough leftover to do other things.

One of the things they did was create Israel, an outpost that enjoys sovereign immunity, thus an ideal place where they could plan illegal activities and export them. What they did not count on was Israel becoming the black hole that sucked all the wealth they poured into it while America was also going bankrupt doing the heavy lifting for them.

So now, the Jews have realized that America is fast becoming depleted, thus useless for what they are trying to accomplish. They looked in Russia's direction knowing that they'll never sucker the Russians the way they did the Americans. But until they find the perfect host on which to sponge like a parasite, they'll try to use the Russians as a shield behind which to hide and be safe from the many enemies they creates in the region. And they'll do anything to get in the good graces of Vladimir Putin.

The Jews may not be ready to sing The Internationale as yet, but you can bet that someone is rehearsing the hymn in their Tel Aviv basement.