Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Power of Evil stretches to Infinity

Denying the Holocaust is one thing, justifying it is another. There are a few who deny the Jewish Holocaust inflicted on them by the Nazis, but no one has justified it. On the other hand, there are many who continue to deny the Palestinian Holocaust inflicted on them by the Jews, and there are those who justify it.

Count Matthew R.J. Brodsky as being a justifier of the Palestinian Holocaust. He so badly wants the world to know his point of view he wrote an article to make it known. The article came under the title: “The Media's Palestine Narrative Reads Like Fan Fiction” and the subtitle: “Recent events in Gaza demonstrate the growing chasm between reporting and reality.” It was published on May 25, 2018 in the Weekly Standard.

As indicated by the title and subtitle, the subject matter of the article concerns a demonstration carried out by the Palestinians of Gaza on their side of the border to commemorate the Holocaust that was inflicted on them and all Palestinians in 1948. It is a Holocaust that continues to be inflicted on those who remain under direct occupation in the West Bank, and those who are kept under air, land and maritime blockade in Gaza.

It was during the days of demonstrations that snipers of the Israeli military – who were equipped with high powered American guns and bullets – shot and killed dozens of Palestinians who did not fire a single shot; having no firearm to do it with. From where the Jews were camped behind fences and a neutral zone hundreds of yards wide, the Jews picked the Palestinians and practiced marksmanship on them as if licensed to kill by the U.S. State Department which designated the Gaza Palestinians as Hamas terrorists. Whether or not these people are terrorists, that designation legitimized the killing of human beings in the eyes of animals calling themselves Jews, and the eyes of congressional retards who themselves should be kept in a zoo.

With that designation put out for use by those who thirst for blood, the Israelis practiced the killing orgy on the people of Gaza knowing that there will also be a Matthew Brodsky and others in America who will justify the action and get paid articulating it. In fact, this is what Brodsky did. He relied on a trick that the Jews refined over the decades and used on the Americans with great success. It is to point to a small act, call it a cause and attribute to it an effect. This done, they call the effect a new cause greater than the previous, and attribute to it a newer and greater effect. They iterate the reasoning several times, thus create a chain of causes and effects that lead to the ultimate accusation that someone is planning to Final Solution the Jews.

Here is how Brodsky sequenced the chain regarding the Gaza event: “The prevailing narrative was that Israelis were shooting and killing unarmed Palestinian protesters, when in fact there were a series of riots planned by Hamas as cover while they attempted to breach the security fence, pour into Israel, and kidnap or kill Israelis”.

Here it is; Matthew Brodsky called “fact” what he guessed was the intent of the Palestinians to breach the fence, pour into Israel, kidnap Israelis and kill them. Never mind that even if the unarmed Palestinians had managed to breach the fence, they would have faced a division of tanks and armored vehicles manned by soldiers who would have killed them on the spot before the Palestinians had the time to implement the chain described as pouring into Israel, kidnapping civilians and killing them.

Now my friend, I must do something I dislike doing but must do because it tells a great deal. It is that something new was revealed to me as to how and why the persecution of me by the Government of Canada on behalf of the Canadian Jewish Congress, lasted for several decades despite appeals launched by Jewish civil libertarians to the Canadian Jewish Congress to end the madness.

I had learned that the government of Jean Chretien bought the Jewish narrative about a chain of causes and effects, which began with me saying that Egypt was a civilized country, and promising to culminate – according to the Canadian Jewish Congress – with me growing in stature to become the new Hitler that will implement the Final Solution. What I learned in addition to this, was that the Jewish civil libertarians who interceded on my behalf, were not the only ones to take up my case. Someone else did … and there is a story behind this one.

What happened was that on the occasion of starting a new session of Parliament, Jean Chretien, the Prime Minister of Canada at the time, had invited the Queen of England, of Canada and the Commonwealth – to come to Canada and read the Speech from the Throne in Parliament. It would have been a great honor for him, for Parliament and for Canada.

The queen said she would come and read the Speech from the Throne if he, Jean Chretien, will end his government's persecution of one, Fred Habachi. And Jean Chretien told Her Majesty to shove it because pleasing the Canadian Jewish Congress was more important to him than pleasing her.

It is this kind of knowledge, coming to light bit by bit, that renders me ever more pessimistic that the Jews can be so reformed as to blend harmoniously with the human race or even coexist with humanity in a ghetto-nation-state they call Israel.

It is now evident that the Jewish tribes were doomed on arrival four thousand years ago, and “doom” has been their country ever since.