Saturday, March 30, 2019

Hamas seeks Life, Israel delivers Death

Despite the headline that promises, “What Hamas really wants from its latest attacks on Israel,” there is very little in the article below that headline telling what Hamas wants, let alone what it REALLY wants.

In fact, there is little even about what the Israeli government wants. Instead, there is a whole lot about what Benny Avni, the author of the article wants. And what he wants just happens to coincide with what the opposition parties in Israel want. You can read all about this tangled web of deadly nonsense in the March 28, 2019 edition of the New York Post.

You go through the article hoping to be informed of something you didn't know before, or gain new insights you would want to incorporate into your perspective on the Middle East. But all you find is the standard accusation that's usually leveled at governments, which is that they act badly at times, because they have problems and wish to divert the public's attention to something else. Here is how Benny Avni put it: “[Hamas is] escalating attacks on Israel to divert attention from their unpopularity back home.” That's what the writer told us at the outset, is what Hamas really wants.

Having done this, Benny Avni went on to interpret the current events through the usual spin machine that paints the Hamas people as pure evil, and paints the Israelis as pure saints. This led him to the standard Jewish conclusion that goes like this: “The strategic goal, which Americans should support, should be an end to Hamas rule in Gaza — period.” In fact, this is what he, Benny Avni, wants and what some in Israel are asking for, according to him. Here is the passage that tells it: “Some of the top politicians [in Israel] are pushing various plans for regime change in Gaza”.

Even though Benny Avni does not seem to know what the Palestinian population or the government in Gaza want, his description of what they do on the ground, offers a hint as to what they want. Here is a revealing passage: “Things are likely to escalate; Hamas having scheduled a million-man march at Israel's border fence, a rerun of its weekly [ritual].” So, there you have it. Both the population of Gaza and the government want to send Israel a message.

In fact, this has been a ritual that was fully and repeatedly explained by the people of Gaza and their government. They want an end to the ongoing crime against humanity that is the air and sea blockade which Israel is maintaining against them. They want the blockade to end because it is preventing them from developing their economy, from giving their people the life they deserve and from flourishing as a society.

These are highly intelligent, highly motivated and extremely industrious people who can quickly develop the gas field that's in their territorial water, and use the revenue to create a Singapore-like economy on the Mediterranean. But Israel that called on the Americans to get in the way of Egypt developing its economy, and then called on its Fifth Columnists to rob America's military secrets, which it used to prevent Iraq from developing its economy — is the same Israel that is now asking America to help it prevent Gaza from developing its economy.

This is a repetition of the same old story of cowardly and savage beasts behaving like cowardly and savage beasts while relying on America to help them carry on at their highest level of beastly performance. They never relent, they never give up, and America never says no to them.

Set aside for a moment, the content of the article, and read it again while concentrating on the detection of the writer's mood-changes as you sense him develop the various passages. You'll find that his mood remains somber almost throughout the article, except during the moments when his words conjure up images of violence inflicted on the Palestinians by the Israeli military. That’s when you’ll sense he is cheering-up. Here is a compilation of such passages:

“Israeli Defense Forces hammering Gaza targets. IDF jets bombed to smithereens the offices of Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas political chief. Also hit were intelligence and military buildings and other symbols of the organization's power. The Hamas leadership will be buried in the tunnels of Gaza. Preferring pinpoint, daring air attacks like the one concluded Thursday morning”.

To create the chaos and bloody mayhem, like we see plaguing the Levant today, was the intent of the old colonial powers, Britain and France. They conspired to establish Israel at the time that they did for this very purpose. But several generations followed, and those who are in charge of Britain and France today have developed different views as to how the world should be managed.

Eager to see the work of their forefathers erased, the Brits and the French, in concert with their Europeans allies, are doing what's necessary to create a new paradigm that will prevent humanity from sliding back into the dark days of an earlier era.

Sadly, however, there is an obstacle standing in the way of the Europeans achieving their lofty goal. It is an America that has itself become a colony of the new imperial power, which is none other than the eternal villain known as the Syndicate of World Jewry.

That thing swallowed the American superpower and turned it into its terrorist arm. It is forcefully and relentlessly pushing America to attack someone; to bomb this one or that one, or do whatever it takes to achieve regime change in the places where the Jews cannot get in, but wish to be there playing their destructive games. And America is obeying every one of their commands.