Saturday, March 23, 2019

Staying outside, looking inside and fantasizing

There was a time when America was the politico-diplomatic diva of the world. And when you're a diva, the only thing you look at is yourself in the mirror. You do that to make sure you're looking your best because you know that everyone is looking at you and fantasizing about one aspect or another of your life.

Then came the Jewish magician of altered perceptions, and caused the diva to see — not reality as it is — but an altered reality that was made of false images, which he planted inside her head by the sheer force of his hypnotic suggestion. And the diva was bewitched. “You can be this,” said the magician to her. And he added, “instead of a candle shining bright in the middle of the night to enchant a mere gathering, you can be a star lighting up the firmament to ravish an entire world.” And the diva threw herself into the embrace of the Jew as she cried out: “I'm all yours, master Jew, do with me as you wish”.

The Jewish magician wrapped the diva in a cocoon of false pretenses to prevent her from seeing what's outside the wrap. He then took her into the underworld of his existence, hoping that her being there will bring light to the cesspool of his eternal misery. But his misery was so deeply entrenched, the diva's presence in his natural element did nothing to change it.

Meanwhile, unknown to the magician was the reality that while his impairment of the diva's vision prevented her from seeing where he had taken her, the one thing he was not able to diminish, was her sense of smell. And the odor of the cesspool so overwhelmed her, she realized she was conned by the Jew that had taken her to a place where she ought not be in. She decided she must shred the cocoon he weaved around her, and get out of the cesspool as fast as she can. She managed to do that, despite his attempts to keep her there a while longer.

Alone and aimless, the once powerful magician is now spending his time roaming the streets of the world like a wandering Jew. But true to his nature, he keeps thinking up new schemes to hypnotize someone and feed on them the way that parasites subsist. He still has the power to change his appearance into anything he wants, which he does occasionally to con new victims. This time, he changed himself into a woman and took on the name Shoshana Bryen.

Bryen wrote an article under the title: “Dividing up the Syrian corpse,” and had it published on March 21, 2019 in The Washington Times. The article is about a walk she took around a neighborhood called the Levant. She stopped at the window of a place called Syria; a prize she always coveted but was never able to fully acquire. She stood outside the window, looked inside, and whined to herself these bitter words:

“It is amazing how little Bashar Assad and the Syrian government have to do with the disposition of Syrian assets and territory. Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah are taking what they want, cutting in Turkey as desired and cutting out the United States and Israel”.

If this sounds like a hungry pauper that used to be the guest of honor at every banquet, but was pushed out due to his bad behavior, look how else Shoshana Bryen laments the lot of Israel's Jews:

“Recent reports have Russia turning Latakia over to Iranian management, solidifying the western end of Iran's Shiite Crescent. It established with Turkey a jointly-patrolled zone, largely overseen by Turks, thus leaving the last rebel stronghold in Turkish hands. Moscow will be content with political influence. Iran's largely-non-Iranian Shiite militiamen will remain in Syria”.

Whether all of those predictions … whether some of them or none of them will materialize, Syria will eventually go back to being independent and will look after its own defense. This has been the history of the region as long as the evil forces of occupation were kept at bay. And the examples are many.

For one thing, when the Egyptians decided to kick the Israelis out of the Sinai, they asked the Russian advisers to leave Egypt lest someone believe they were doing the fight on behalf of Egypt. And despite the numerous predictions that the Russians will never leave Egypt, they did like true gentlemen.

As well, the Syrians got out of Lebanon when they were told to leave. They had been invited in by the Lebanese government and the Arab League that mandated the Syrians to impose calm on the warring factions and keep the peace, in the wake of a civil war that was ravaging Lebanon.

Contrast the behavior of America's allies against that, and you'll realize that evil feels at home, not with the people of the region, but those who come to them from the outside, bearing gifts of lies, deception and treachery. The most notorious example in that regard is Israel, which never ceded an inch of occupied land unless it was kicked out of it the way it was from the Sinai, Gaza, South Lebanon and the Eastern Golan.

You also have the surprising example of an Arab country that was so corrupted by its close alliance with America, it behaved as badly as the Jews. This was Saddam Hussein's Iraq whose behavior in Kuwait was so out of character, the Arab League intervened to help put an end to what is a no-no in Arab eyes.

Shoshana Bryen should not worry about Syria. If she wants to join the civilized world, she should put her energies to work on liberating Palestine. One good way to do that, is to become an ardent advocate of the BDS movement.