Saturday, March 9, 2019

They are trying to salvage a dying lost Cause

The surprise is not that the cycle made a full turn and came back to its point of origin; the surprise is that the victims of the cycle did more than sit and wait for it: they invited the thing.

It was yet another repeat of the 4,000-year-old story of the Jews whose recidivist habits have landed them in hot water once every few generations wherever they went, whenever they did. It is happening to them again; this time in America. But instead of looking inward to determine what's so repugnant about them that people throughout space and time felt repulsed by, the Jews doubled down on their reprehensible antics.

Three of the many articles that were written on the subject, have appeared the same day, March 7, 2019. One came under the title: “Ilhan Omar Shows How Intersectionality Can Elevate Bigotry,” written by David French and published in National Review Online. Another article came under the title: “Stop making ridiculous excuses for Ilhan Omar,” and the subtitle: “She didn't criticize Israeli policies; she targeted its defenders using anti-Semitic tropes.” It was written by Alan Kadish and published in the New York Daily News. A third article came under the title: “How can the anti-Zionists pretend the world would be better off without Israel?” It was written by Benny Avni, and published in the New York Post.

The difference between now and what used to happen during the half century since the time when the Jews came to America in large numbers, is that a point of inflection has been reached, and the luck of the Jews began to change. Instead of the American Congress reflexively punishing the innocent to reward the Jews, the Congress has asked the proper questions this time, has deliberated, and has reached the right decision. It was a welcome development, coming as it did, after several decades of being lost in the wilderness of a moral wasteland where the Jews had taken it.

To explain what happened that caused the inflection to take place, David French took pain to explain the phenomenon that hit America's campuses known as “intersectionality.” He described it this way: Your identity grants you credibility, and your experience grants you authority.” This is how Ilhan Omar, a freshman to the House of Representative, was able to sweep aside the old paradigm and start the process of installing one that reflects the reality of the new era.

And all of a sudden, a big irony revealed itself. It turned out that intersectionality is not something new to America, as it was imported into the country by the Jews long ago. They were the ones who claimed that their identity as Jews granted them credibility, and their experience granted them authority. The gullible Americans were so impressed, they hired any and every Jew that claimed to be an expert on the character of Arabs, the motivation of Muslims, the history of the Middle East, the future development of the region and the best way for America to use its coercive leverage to make itself master of the Arab World.

And guess what else David French did that is revealing. He wrote this: “Omar's challenging childhood isn't the fault of the Israeli government, and it doesn't relieve her of the obligation...” No, my friend, this is not a concept that David French, who is a lawyer, just discovered. It is a concept that was discovered by lawyers before he was born. The early lawyers were looking at the excuses that the Jews were fabricating for making the Palestinians pay for the sins of the Nazis. They determined that the Jews were neglecting to fulfill their obligations toward the Palestinians. And that is true today as it was then.

In fact, the more you look into the David French article, the more you'll discover that the table was turned on the Jews. To sound persuasive, David French found himself compelled time after time, to borrow concepts from the legitimate case of the Palestinians, and attribute them to the illegitimate case of the Jews.

And you'll discover that the same thing is happening with the other two writers. It is happening not only in matters relating to the Middle East but to America as well, as it was predicted will be the case. It is that the Jews brought to America what the Americans have allowed the Jews to get away with in the Middle East.

Look at this passage in the Alan Kadish article: “She purposefully chose to ... criticize individuals for supporting Israel.” It is an echo of what came in the article's subtitle as: “She targeted its [Israel's] defenders.” So where do you see this concept replicated in America? You see it in the innocent Americans, such as those in the Women's March, whom the Jews have targeted because they befriended other Americans, such as Louis Farrakhan, whom the Jews have labeled persona non grata in his own country.

And so, you have a horrendous situation in which any Jew that can type on the keyboard of a computer, gets into the business of doing two things at the same time. One, they lobby the lawmakers of America to punish their own citizens for choosing to adhere to the BDS movement that boycotts Israeli products. Two, they pressure the American public to boycott its own citizens in their country. And these liars want us to believe they do not suffer from dual loyalty? Who do they take us for?

As to Benny Avni, he has done humanity a big favor by exposing the dangerously gullible nature of the Americans. So you want to know how he did that. Well then, recall what the Jews were saying about feeling a religious connection with the land of Palestine, the reason why they stole a country and made it their own. What if you're an American, and Benny Avni looks you in the eye and says with a smirk on his face; I conned you, I conned you!

You listen to the rest of Avni’s locution as he repeats it in writing as follows: “Half of Israelis are secularists, worshiping the art of living well rather than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”.

There you have it, rubbed against your nose, in a typically Jewish “in-your-face” manner.