Saturday, March 16, 2019

They want us to adopt creeping Authoritarianism

When you author a piece of work, you become the ultimate authority on it. Two people may dispute words and/or passages in it, but neither can claim being one hundred percent correct in what they say. The only one that can make such claim, is you, the author of the piece.

All of that is fine and dandy if the piece is a work of art that's put out in the public domain for audiences to consume, to enjoy and to engage in debates about it. What is not fine or dandy is that the work be labeled a definition of some kind, and given legal force or a quasi-legal one. In fact, something like this can happen by creeping infiltration if the definition — made-up by an individual or a group — is repeatedly attached to legal precis, and considered an element of doctrine commanding some level of authority.

We must consider a development such as that happening to the legal system as a tragedy that should be avoided like Ebola. That's because only a parliamentary institution operating within the confines of a well-defined jurisdiction, should have the mandate to bestow this kind of authority onto someone. Even then, the institution would have to have fully deliberated the various points that pertain to the issue before bestowing such authority onto someone. In fact, that someone cannot be just anybody: he or she will have to be an elected executive. Moreover, the bestowed power should have a sunset clause attached to it so as to put a time-limit on the mandate.

Failing that, the tragedy that could potentially be created, stems from the fact that when a definition is given the power of law, the creator of the definition becomes sovereign — and not just any sovereign, but an authoritarian sovereign. Whether it is an individual or a group, they will be consulted in every legal case where the definition is invoked. And their word will decide the outcome of all such cases. This, in fact, is what the Jews are trying to accomplish using what they call the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Antisemitism Definition.

You can see for yourself how forcefully the Jews are pushing to have their definition of antisemitism adopted by any fool who will listen to them. You'll find an example of their argument in the article that came under the title: “It's Time for the Media to Adopt the IHRA Antisemitism Definition,” written by Pesach Benson and published on March 14, 2019 in Algemeiner.

Before you're done reading the first paragraph of the article, you'll have felt the chill run up your spine. It goes like this: “A working definition of antisemitism is gaining traction … it has been adopted and endorsed by a growing number of governments — most recently, France”.

Pesach Benson goes on to tell what the Jews will be able to control in the jurisdictions that will adopt their definition of antisemitism. Note however that even if the definition were totally innocuous — which it isn't — the fact of adopting it alone, will make of the Jews the ultimate arbiters that will decide the outcome of every case where the definition will have been invoked by one of the litigants.

And you shudder recalling that even without such definition in their tool box, it took the Jews less than half a century to take control of superpower America using the simple confusing trick of accusing everyone they wished to vanquish off the face of the earth, of being: antisemitic for saying A instead of B, and being antisemitic for saying B instead of A.

Now try to imagine the Jews wielding that definition in addition to the other tools they have developed throughout the centuries. Or maybe you shouldn't even try to imagine because Benson has done the imagining for you. Look what he says in that regard:

“Guided by the definition, police and prosecutors will effectively respond to hate crimes; colleges will deal with campus antisemitism; and local activists won't flounder. The definition has already served as a powerful tool: Britain's Labour Party sought to adopt a watered-down version, but the controversy it sparked proved too embarrassing. Labour adopted the full definition. The controversy stirred by Labour highlights one aspect of the definition that's not universally accepted. That is: denying the Jews the right to self-determination, claiming that Israel is a racist endeavor, and requiring of Israel behavior not expected of other entities. As well, Anti-Zionism is recognized as a form of antisemitism. Beyond governments, the media need to adopt the definition. Guided by it, journalists will make better decisions covering the BDS movement on campuses. Editors will be able to judge op-eds and letters, and moderators will better control comments”.

Now, my friend, as an intellectual exercise, put together the secret wishes of all the dictators that have disgraced Planet Earth since the beginning of time, and you'll find that they did not dream of wielding a fraction of that level of power over their subjects.

To think that the Jews are asking for it, and that some people contemplate granting it to them, says a great deal that’s unflattering about the level of intellectual development the human species has attained.

We have a long way to go before we can claim being an intelligent species.