Thursday, August 8, 2019

Endless Wars to end with Defeat of Warmongers

More than 50 years ago when America was free of Jewish tyranny, the people of that land were not afraid to speak the truth. They observed life as it unfolded, and made several good points about it at the time, two of which were the following:

First, the Jews in Israel and America are not interested in PEACE with the Arabs; they are interested in a PIECE of the Arab lands. Second, the only peace that the Jews of Israel and those of America are interested in, is the peace of the grave.

Bit by bit, the Jewish grip of tyranny tightened at the throats of the American people, turning the land of the free into the land of fear, muted anger and resentment. That's because one by one, those who dared to speak freely in America, were dealt with like criminals, accused of harboring anti-Semitic sentiments of the kind that –– if left unchecked –– would lead to the next Holocaust. This Orwellian condition resulted in American institutions turning against American citizens, punishing them, not for crimes they committed, but for the Jewish speculation that they harbor the wrong kind of sentiment toward Jews.

Having thus swept the place clean, and having succeeded to be alone in the marketplace of ideas without a single gentile checking them, the Jews built up enough confidence to start showing their true colors. The first thing they questioned was: Peace with the Arabs? What peace with the Arabs? We want a piece of the Arab lands, they asserted. We want all of Palestine and the piece of Golan we're currently occupying, they went on to say. Other than that, the Jews made certain everyone understood they prefer to have the peace of the grave than having the peace which emanates from a philosophy of life that says: Live and let live.

If you think this is a far-fetched fictitious scenario, I don't blame you, dear reader. But all you have to do to convince yourself of its veracity, is read the article that came under the title: “Why endless wars can't be ended,” and the subtitle: “There's no chance America's enemies will leave us in peace.” It was written by Clifford D. May, and published on August 6, 2019 in The Washington Times.

Clifford May begins by quoting one of Plato's sayings. It is this: “Only the dead have seen the end of war.” Do you know what the writer means to convey by recalling this quote, my friend? He means to convey the reality that the only peace the Jews believe is possible, is the peace of the grave. So, there you have it. No less an authority on Jewish plans for the future of humanity, than Clifford May has put it in writing. He says the Jews wish to see America fight, not to settle disputes by compromise, but to engage in a fight to the death. They prefer to see the enemy die, of course but if not, it will be okay with them if America were the one to die.

Moreover, Clifford May was not going to blame this condition on the Jews, which is what humanity has done for thousands of years, having observed the Jews start every serious war that happened anywhere on the planet during that time, or incite others to start such wars. And yet, even in the face of all this, Clifford May saw fit to blame future wars on what he speculated were the dark motives of “our” enemies.

And then, starting from that vantage point, Clifford May proceeded like Don Quixote to advocate for an endless war against the enemy windmills of the future. To justify his stance, he reinterpreted history in such a way as to show that no war ever ended in a “cut-and-dry” manner. He also blamed his desire for an endless war on what he says is the preference of America's enemies. Yes, that's what he said: He wants to see America involved in an endless war because it is the enemy's preference. Try to figure this one out.

Now certain that he got his message through, Clifford May felt confident enough to play the armchair supreme commander of the allied democratic forces of the West. And this is what he commanded:

“When we do decide to fight, it is imperative that our strategies be superior to those of the opponents. I'd argue that doesn't mean devising 'exit strategies.' Instead, we should have a coherent 'theory of victory' for any conflict judged to be in the American interest”.

By the way, that's just another way of saying that the fight must be a fight to the death. It will have to be a do or die proposition for the American soldiers who will be ordered into battle. They will die not for the glory of their country, but for the fulfillment of the Jewish agenda.

Can this madness be brought to an end? Yes, it can. You do it by defeating the sick philosophy of the warmongers who monopolized the marketplace of ideas for much too long already. Shut them up for good.