Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Small looms large and the Large is unseen

To some people, the Jews have a magic formula by which they hammer at something for decades, for centuries and for millenniums till they get what they want. To other people, the Jews are plagued by the curse of never knowing when to stop or when to start a new life.

Indeed, the Jews never stopped working on realizing the impossible dream of inheriting the Earth with all that's in it. And so, they live not a dream but a nightmare of eternal ostracism and misery. And so, we must ask: what is it that makes these people tick the wrong way. Well, far from being hard to fathom, what the Jews are doing to themselves is easy to understand.

A recently published article demonstrates how the Jews operate in the belief that they are helping their cause when in fact, they would be hurting it. The article came under the title: “Shocking Ethics Report Proves Trump Was Right To Defund UN Palestinian Refugee Agency,” written by Erielle Davidson and published on August 5, 2019 in The Federalist.

The article also came under a subtitle that summarizes what the point of the article boils down to. As it happens, this is when the readers who know something about the subject, the article is treating, are taken aback. Here is that subtitle: “In the past decade alone, the United States poured more than $3 billion into the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, which a new report tars for corruption”.

What shocks the reader upon seeing that subtitle is not its content as such, but what the content brings to mind. Whereas Erielle Davidson is railing about the Palestinian refugees receiving $3 billion dollars in 10 years to relieve the misery inflicted on them by America's financing of Israel for the purpose of maintaining the status quo––Israel is receiving more than that, not in ten years, but year after year after year.

As to the corruption at the UN agency (UNRWA), two things come to mind. First, when an Egyptian diplomat was elected to head the UN, the Jews got hit with a heartache, a headache and a runaway diarrhea, all at the same time. They ran around like headless chicken looking for a senatorial hooker of the kind that would sell his mother to buy the Jews a gift they may not even want. The Jews found the male prostitute of their desire and had him work on his colleagues in the Congress and the White House. He took to them a box of fake Jewish complaints about corruption at the United Nations. He kept pressuring America's leaders to deny the Egyptian getting reelected for a second term, and America's leaders bowed to the Jewish demands.

The second thing that comes to mind when the readers are told about corruption at UNRWA, is that those in Israel and America who complain about it are the same people who see nothing wrong with the reality that almost every president and prime minister of Israel got caught stealing public money, including the compensation money that was paid by foreign governments to the survivors of the Holocaust.

All that aside, caught by the novelty of the Jewish approach to dealing with life's vicissitudes, the Americans of all walks of life were impressed. But the Jews ran out of luck eventually when the Americans began to realize that the Jews were pulling a massive prank on them. It was the kind of prank they had been pulling on others throughout time since their beginning, and throughout space all over the planet. And the Americans began to distance themselves from the Jews.

But what exactly did happen that caused the Americans to grow weary of the Jews? Simply put, it was the loose lips of the Jews that sank them and sent them deep into the ocean century after century. And it was their loose lips that caused the Americans to take a close look at how the Jews operate.

It happened that the Americans got wise enough to investigate the Jews for every slander that they have thrown at someone else. Thus, when the Jews accused someone of lying, the Americans investigated the Jews for their lies. And the Americans discovered that if someone lied an ounce, the Jews lied a pound. Running the same test on every Jewish accusation, the Americans discovered that the Jews were a cesspool of every filth they have tried to pin on someone else. Just look at the title of Erielle Davidson's article. It begins with these words: “Shocking ethics report...” And what is it that shocked her? Two people at UNRWA developed a romantic relationship. That's all; nothing more scandalous than that.

Still, the title goes on to say, this is proof enough to punish millions of Palestinians already living under desperate conditions. But when you compare the accusation at UNRWA with the scandals committed in Israel and those committed by the Jewish executives in America, you understand why the world can only speak of Jews in terms that go something like this: They lobby to drop a ton of bricks on those who offend by a pint, not realizing that we see them offending humanity by the gallons.

The trouble is that the offenders often manage to escape the punishment they deserve, letting the little guys pay the price for their sins.

When will the little guys wake up and publicly demand that the self-appointed leaders of the Jews cease and desist playing games, pretending to speak for the Jewish rank-and-file?