Saturday, August 24, 2019

He whips his own Back to chase after a Ghost

Can you imagine a spoof in which a clumsy changeling that believes he sees a ghost, whipping himself in the back to run faster and catch-up with the object of his delusion? A spectacle such as this would be funny, of course, but it could also be revealing. And that's what is happening to Dennis Prager.

The man wrote an article under a title that reads: “Criticizing Israel is fine, but anti-Zionism is anti-Semitic,” published on August 20, 2019 in the New York Post. To make his point, Prager began by making a false analogy and then built on it. He wanted the readers to think of Israel as being like Italy. The two are so much alike, he said, if you think of Israel as being illegitimate, you must think of Italy as being illegitimate as well … and so would be many other countries.

The problem with this analogy is that Italy and Israel are nowhere near being alike. In fact, no country in the world except two –– Rhodesia and South Africa –– have ever resembled Israel. As to the abominable regimes that used to govern those countries, they are defunct now. This is what humanity is trying to do to the equally abominable Zionist regime governing Israel.

In fact, it happens that Rhodesia-cum-Zimbabwe and South Africa are now moving-on like normal countries where their citizens, who are of every origin you can imagine, practice their version of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Think about it: What better development could happen to the populations of Israel and the region if a similar situation were to be fashioned for them?

But why can't Dennis Prager and those like him see that reality? They can't see it because the propaganda to which they are exposed, subjects them to a hypnotic spell from the moment they get a first taste of their mothers' milk to the day when they exhale their last breath. This mental atrocity deprives them of the ability to see the similarities or differences that may exist between two or more situations.

Such ability is written into our DNA at conception but yanked out of the Jews and their gentile sycophants who get recruited by them. In lieu of that ability, which is an essential component that serves to upgrade our level of intelligence, the Jewish propaganda machine plants a demonic mechanism into the thinking process of the unsuspecting victims.

We can see how that mechanism operates when we examine Dennis Prager's inability to see the abomination that's inherent to the Zionist regime of Israel, as it imports people of the Jewish religion from around the world and uses them to replace the Palestinian indigenous population which happens to be composed of other religions. And we are horrified by Prager's inability to see that Israel's policy is closer to the former apartheid regimes of Rhodesia and South Africa than it is to any other regime around the globe … and certainly not to that of Italy.

As well, we are stupefied to realize that even then, it would be insulting to apartheid Rhodesia and South Africa to equate them with Israel. That's because those regimes imported people from abroad, not to replace the indigenous population, but to work with it in a supervisory capacity. This is in contrast to Zionism which imports Jews from abroad to displace and take the place of the indigenous Palestinians.

And then, when we hear or read Dennis Prager say that Israel is like Italy, we feel a jolt of disgust similar to what we would if someone had said that Jeff Epstein's female recruiting madams are the same as Mother Theresa. This alone, ought to tell the authorities in the district where Prager lives, they have a nutcase on the loose that should be locked up for his own good and that of society.

It is not surprising, therefore, that someone who is this screwed up, would think that: “Anti-Zionism is opposition to Israel's existence.” Well, it must be said that the people who first came up with that idea, explained that to oppose Zionism was to oppose the creation of a religion-based apartheid regime.

And so, they concluded that the intent of those who oppose Zionism, must be that they want to see a “democratic” Israel replace the existing neofascist regime. They figured that such move would be unacceptable to the Jewish settlers and to the leaders of Israel who believe they are implementing God's orders … that Almighty who operates in mysterious ways and must never be questioned.

But when this kind of argument did not go well with the rest of the world, the people that came up with the screwy idea, changed their tune and made it sound like they meant to say that to oppose Zionism, was to seek the destruction of Israel in the sense of razing it the way that Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were razed. And this is the falsehood that Dennis Prager is now peddling in his article.

Yanked of the ability to detect differences between situations, Dennis Prager has spent a lifetime chasing the ghost of antisemitism, and still does. The more he approaches the thing, the farther it gets away from him, and the harder he whips himself to run faster still.

Poor Dennis Prager, Sisyphus had an easier time rolling that stone up the hill.