Sunday, August 18, 2019

The noble Ashrawi vs. the deceitful Dershowitz

Thanks to David French, we can now endeavor to point out the nobility of Hanan Ashrawi, the Palestinian woman that's known for her sharp intellect and high integrity. We can do it by comparing the clarity of her thoughts against those of the confused and dishonest Alan Dershowitz.

What David French did to make the endeavor possible, is that he wrote an article which came under the title: “Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Partnered with Vicious Anti-Semites to Plan Their Trip to Israel,” and the subtitle: “This should be a national scandal.” The article was published on August 16, 2019 in National Review Online (NRO).

Alan Dershowitz began the effort of turning himself into a national figure by enunciating what came to be known as the Dershowitz doctrine. The way he put it at the time, went something like this: “You cannot blame Israel for doing to the Palestinians what [fascist] regimes have always done to people under their control.” Ever since that time, his idea has been used to justify Israel's slow-motion genocide of the Palestinian people; activities that range from starving the Palestinians by ransacking their farms and stealing their food and water ... to carpet bombing their schools and residential districts, killing them by the thousands.

Years later, when the third generation of Palestinians, born and raised under Jewish occupation, found itself with nothing to live for, it reacted the way that other peoples did when they found themselves in a similar situation. From Spartacus in the Roman Empire to Charles De Gaulle under the Nazi occupation of France, they joined a resistance movement or formed their own. When this happened in occupied Palestine, the Jewish organizations around the world responded by parading a stream of professional whiners who lamented that the Palestinians were fighting back instead of feeling honored to live under Jewish control.

Hoping to trick Hanan Ashrawi by asking her a question that would make her say something they can use against her, or use to deflect attention from Israel's genocidal activities in Palestine, the tricksters of the Jewish propaganda machine asked Ashrawi to comment on the Palestinian resistance movement. Here is how she responded, according to David French's article: “You cannot somehow adopt the language of either the international community or the occupier by describing anybody who resists as terrorist.” That is, neither Spartacus nor De Gaulle were terrorists … but the Roman legions, the Nazi goons and the butchers of Zion proved to be the incarnation of terror itself.

Well then, when you compare the Hanan Ashrawi answer to that of Alan Dershowitz, you realize how ignoble the Jewish man has been to defend the indefensible, and how noble the Palestinian woman has been to defend the innocent. You know what else, my friend? Now that the Jewish lawyer has been relegated to the trash heap of history, an Evangelical lawyer named David French, is vowing to fill his shoes and carry on with the same kind of confused and dishonest message. What did French do to earn that honor? He did this:

“The Washington Post said that Omar and Tlaib's trip was planned by Miftah, a nonprofit organization headed by Hanan Ashrawi, a group that promotes global awareness of Palestinian realities. I started looking at the Miftah website, and it was like peeling an onion of evil. There was layer upon layer of anti-Semitism. First, the group published blood libel. When the article was condemned, Miftah minimized the reference as merely briefly addressed, then issued an apology. It also published an American neo-Nazi treatise called 'Who Rules America: The Alien Grip on Our News and Entertainment Media Must Be Broken.' And of course Miftah published an article asking whether Israel was a proper homeland for the Jewish people”.

David French says he started looking at the Miftah website, and it was like peeling an onion of evil. But he made the mistake of giving a link to that website. So, anyone that reads his words and checks the website, will see neither onion nor evil. The only thing that's noteworthy on that otherwise mundane site, is an apology for a mistake that was made inadvertently, that was quickly corrected and that was apologized for.

For the writer to claim that he saw layer upon layer of anti-Semitism, is to engage in intellectual dishonesty of the kind that Evangelical fanatics commit before asking for a donation to maintain the demonic faith and spread the satanic message. I don't know if David French or NRO will ask for donations, but if asked to justify his accusation of Miftah for publishing anti-Semitic tropes, David French will have nothing to say.

Or maybe he'll point to the white supremacist treatise that was printed in Miftah, a foreign non-white publication that, among other things, informs its readers of what goes on in America –– a perfectly legitimate thing to do for any publication. In fact, if David French believes it was a mistake for Miftah to publish that treatise, how does he justify quoting its two most “virulent” paragraphs in his own article?

Come to think of it, David French's latest piece, like all those he wrote over the years, is full of links that send the reader to all kinds of places.

And many of these places contain what David French characterizes as anti-Semitic tropes and yet, he doesn't call himself a layered anti-Semite. Why not? Does he not smell like an onion?