Wednesday, August 14, 2019

With Babbin cooking, this Dinner is not edible

Imagine a guy named Jed Babbin hired to work as dishwasher in a diner located in a remote desert-like area of the country. Sometimes when they get a busload of tourists, he helps the chef prepare the meals by doing simple chores like grinding the meat or peeling the potato.

Normally, the chef takes his days off during the tourist off-season, leaving precooked light meals and snacks in the freezer for the hotel staff and the cook to serve the occasional traveler that might come around and spend a night or two at the hotel. But then –– surprise, surprise –– on an off-season day when the chef was away, a busload of tourists came along to stay at the hotel for an extended period of time. And the staff told the cook he's the chef now.

Do you remember the story of the Sorcerer's Apprentice? At first, the kid made a mistake, and the more he tried to fix it, the more he worsened the situation. Well, almost the same thing happened to Jed Babbin … except that the real Babbin is not a dishwasher or a cook in a desert restaurant. He is a pundit who writes columns for the Washington Times. Something political happened, he stepped out of his element, and messed up royally. If you want a metaphoric image of how badly he messed up, think of the dishwasher trying to boil spaghetti in the oven, and baking bread on the stove.

Well then, go over Jed Babbin's latest column, and you'll see what I mean. The column came under the title: “The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions war against Israel,” and the subtitle: “Its first goal is to delegitimize Israel.” It was published on August 12, 2019 in the Washington Times.

The problem with Jed Babbin is that even though he began with an idea that is of his natural domain, he messed up because he had to go out of the domain to advocate for the idea. You'll tell what his domain is by the time you reach the end of the article. It reads like this: “If any Democrat is elected next year they will be under the influence of 'the Squad.'” As you can see, his domain is local American politics.

But to make a good case, Babbin needed energy, ideas and a strategy among other things. Well, he proved over the decades that he is adept at picking the facts of a situation, and producing what he needs to cobble together a piece that serves his purpose. But this time, the facts happened to be related to the “Squad,” and the most energy that the Squad has generated was in foreign policy … which is outside of Babbin's domain. And so, he went out of his domain to cook-up something he can serve to his readers.

That's what you see at the start of Babbin's column. You see it in the title, in the subtitle and in the first sentence of the column, which goes like this: “Ilhan Omar unveiled her plan to visit Israel, she also introduced a resolution that supported BDS that has, as its first goal, to delegitimize Israel”.

Well, having a start and a finish for his article was a good achievement already. But Babbin still needed to fill the middle of the column in a way that made sense. And that's when the dishwasher, working as a cook, couldn't tell the difference between the stove and the oven.

To sound like he is making a solid argument in favor of the Jews grabbing Palestine from its Palestinian owners, Jed Babbin invoked some of the legal points that pertain to the case. To that end, he mentioned the UN resolution that gave the Jews a homeland in Palestine. Aware that the partition of Palestine gave the Jews not even a tenth of what they eventually grabbed by force of arms –– all of which was condemned by the same UN that crated Israel –– Babbin had to do something.

To get around the difficulties, he invoked the right to self-determination, saying that the Jews must be allowed to have Palestine so that they can exercise self-determination. What he did not say, is that they cannot exercise that right in someone else's home. The Jews were given a home in what is known as the 1948 borders, and that's where they should have stayed. By going outside those borders, they denied the Palestinians their right to self-determination.

Having bastardized that legal argument, Babbin was forced to bastardize another legal argument to sustain the first. He mentioned the UN resolution that gave the Palestinians the “Right of Return.” He said that when the UN passed that resolution, there were only 700,000 Palestinian refugees. There are 6 million of them now. He went on to argue that if they were allowed into occupied Palestine, they will form a majority, thus deny the Jews the ethno-religious purity they wish to maintain in the apartheid state they have built.

Well, there were less than 50,000 Jews in Palestine when this whole thing began, and their number has increased to now count in the millions. So, nothing really has changed from the legal standpoint. The right of Palestinian return that was valid then, is valid today. But why would the world let this kind of garbage go on?

No, the world isn't doing that. It is speaking about the Palestinian case the way it did when Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and South Africa were running similar sort of regimes. Whereas the apartheid governments of those two places advocated a political and military sort of push-back against the world, the world responded with a BDS kind of movement that ultimately triumphed over the two racist entities.

This is what the world is doing now with regard to Israel's political and military push-back that is exercised in the Middle East by Israel, and articulated in the Jewish influenced press of North America.

The world is implementing a BDS movement against Israel, and the Jews are doing badly as you can see by the fact that Jed Babbin could do no better than boil spaghetti in the oven and bake bread on the stove. His meal is not fit for human consumption.