Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The moaning Voice of Defeat, Regret and Battle

If you're of an age that allows you to remember what the political situation was like half a century ago, and if you were attuned at the time to what the Arabs were saying to each other during those eventful years, you'll have to think that these people were a clairvoyant lot.

Those were the years when the political and diplomatic situations in the region engendered a great deal of what the locals saw as no more and no less than everyday balderdash, put out in the casual style of the Arab Street. But those who followed the discussions from afar, must have thought that the balderdash could have been prophesies with a real chance of coming true.

It is that the ordinary people of the Arab and Muslim Worlds were discussing America's decision to replace the old colonial powers for doing mischief in the Middle East. America did it to support the Jewish scheme of reviving and pushing forward the colonial project of slicing the Arab World, aiming to dominate its parts separately. Out of this line of Arab thinking, came the suggestion that the defeat of the Zionist scheme, as planned by the Jews, will happen only when America itself will have been diminished.

Little did these people know at the time, that they were foretelling what will happen half a century later. More than that, little did they know the reality that it will be the Jews themselves who will diminish America. In fact, this is what happened when the Jews sucked more out of America than America was equipped to give them.

You can get a glimpse as to how that sordid history developed over the decades when you read the article that came under the title: “Iran gives Hezbollah precision-guided terrorism,” written by Jed Babbin, and published on September 8, 2019 in The Washington Times. It is worth mentioning that Babbin was undersecretary of Defense in the Bush (41) administration, a time when the Jews were hard at work implementing their demonic scheme.

The best way to look at Babbin's article is through the lens of lamentations. Having done little to curtail the Jewish exploitation of America when he was in government, Jed Babbin looks back at those years when America was arming Israel to be more powerful than “all its neighbors put together.” Now my friend, try to imagine the man looking at the result of that policy, and asking himself: What were we thinking?

There is only one thing for him to think about now. It is to regret that America was hypnotized by the Jews so deeply, he and the rest of the American brass could not foresee that the Arabs and the Muslims will respond to America's moves of escalating the armament of Israel by accelerating their own armament. Not only did the Arabs and the Muslims buy the weapons where they could find them, they started to produce and develop the kind of weapons that would meet their specifications and fill their needs.

And that's what the Jed Babbin article is about. What follows is a condensed version of his lamentations:

“The war between Israel and Hezbollah is continuous. Israel has never succeeded in deterring Hezbollah, which has accelerated the conversion of its missiles into precision-guided munitions (PGMs), thus converting its arsenal to more effective weapons. It possesses at least 130,000 rockets, missiles and hundreds of short-range missiles that can be targeted with accuracy. Israel relies on two anti-missile systems that can be overwhelmed if the enemy launches large numbers of rockets and missiles at once. Hezbollah has shifted to a tactic aimed to do that. With PGMs, Hezbollah could destroy Israeli government buildings, inflict great casualties on Israeli reserves and damage on Israel's air force. [Hezbollah] may be betting that Trump will be defeated in 2020 and that a Democrat successor would be weaker on Israel's defense. If Hezbollah launches another war, the casualties and damage will be enormous. Hezbollah moves weapons around, and Israel can't locate them to prevent the mass launch of rockets and missiles”.

After a litany of this length and complexity, Jed Babbin could do nothing better than repeat the usual Jewish advice that––in fact––did more than anything else to diminish America in the first place. He recommended that America bomb Iran to deter Hezbollah, thus protect Israel.

But because the Jews know that the American people no longer tolerate someone advising their military to commit one more act of savagery to protect Israel, Babbin made his recommendation in the most subtle of manners. Here is how he did it:

“It's maddening that we have no way to influence Iran's decisions other than increasing economic sanctions against it. At some point, perhaps when Iran orders Hezbollah to war, we will have to conclude that economic sanctions just aren't enough”.

Translation: Bomb not only Hezbollah, but Iran as well.

And this is another chapter in the long history of the Jews––a history that's written in hundreds of chapters, each of them narrating the story of Jewish misery, but each telling it as a different version of the one and same story.